She loves me!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Quail Valley, California, USA
Floppy and Ruby's first introduction! They have previously sniffed each other through the cages and their cages have been next to each other. Not quite love at first sight, but absolutely no violence, lots of licking and he did hump her a few times. She allowed it to happen, and when she got tired of it shehopped away. I was so nervous about this first meeting and it went so much better than I ever hoped. I had heard that male mini rex's were difficult to bond. Of course we have many more play dates to go before we know for sure, but I think she likes him!

We started on the couch, before allowing them to hop around freely together:




Then freeplay. After a few rounds of chase, hump, chasethey ended up snuggling together for a while.







Wow...they are doing very well together for first intros! I love that they are already snuggling against one another; it's just adorable. :DIf only all bondings could go so smoothly!
Yay, that's great news!

My two inseperables started with the chasing and the humping. I let them chase each other out, and when they were exhausted, they flopped out next to each other.

They haven't looked back since!
Yay thanks Jordiwes, I hope they stay this way!! It was so cute. She flopped next to the table and Floppy kindof wedged himself between her and the table. He was grooming her and everything.

I was very intimidated to start bonding because I didn't know if I could handle them fighting. I almost put it off another week, and I made my husband trim both of their nails and promise to play referee, but he was not needed. Thank heaven for small favors. I'm going to give them a few days and then try again. Will update this thread.
So nice they got off on a good start.

It's not the same for me. Pebbles and Bebe refuse to back down from the other. Must be the two females fightingfor theone love .... me. :p
These two luvbunnies were made for each other. I have been so lucky. :)She still gets tired of him and runs away after while, but they always end up snuggling.

"She loves me"


"She loves me not"


"Is he coming?"


"Where'd she go?"


And I had to throw this in....

"Why do they get these grassy mats and I don't?"


Look how cute they are together! I'm so happy for both of them :)

Kitty looks like he's just terribly neglected. ;):p
Thanks everybody! They play together everday now, I'm trying to get brave enough to try and put them both in the condo and see how they do. I was going to rebuild it and expand so neither one of them will look at it as their territory.

That fat cat is nicknamed Jelousy. Lol. She wouldn't want anything to do with that mat if the rabbits wern't playing with it.She will sneak up and steal their toys too. They have little jingle balls and such. Flopster is used to them, sometimes I swear he thinks he is a cat. Ruby is still a bit intimidated though. I think thats why she chose the bathroom as her safe spot, it's secluded from other animals.

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