Serious limping!?!?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2019
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So i wake up and look around, eat breakfast and sit on my bed to start e-lessons. Usually bunbun would hop onto my bed and start digging. He didn't even care that i was there. So i gently lift him to my bed and he does not dig, which is, like, his most common habit. I shrug it off as him being calm today. I pet him and then find it weird that his bum is so dirty. Everything between his legs, undertail, over it is dirty and yellow-ish because of pee. Goodness me he's white down there so it's easy to see. I find it weird that he'd be so dirty. He didn't move anywhere for about half an hour, and he was stiff so i started worrying. i put him on the floor and watched him wobble and fop around with his limpy hind leg. i noticed his back was crooked as well and he didn't want to move, startled when i geeenntly nudged his hind leg. He struggled so much i called mum over and she said that '' oh well, he's limping'' and went away to mind her own business.

I don't know where he got his limping leg, or how, but i feel pained and at a loss. Our vet is out of business cause of the virus and i don't know what else to do? Just let him rest and hope it heals by itself?
I think it could be that he’s injured his hind leg somehow. If you can’t get him to a vet, limit his space so that he isn’t hopping too much. Make sure he’s eating.
Limping in rabbits
If it’s possible could you take him to a different vet. All the vets in the UK (where I live) are only doing emergency appointments, so I understand if you can’t. I’m sorry, I’m not too knowledgeable on this subject. That link should help and maybe someone else with have a better idea
no, i cannot take him to another vet, that one is the only one that deals with rabbits in say what, about 25 miles? and i'm not even sure if it treats emergency pets either.. Dad doesn't think it to be a serious matter so he won't drive us anywhere, sadly...
as for space, i don't think that i need to limit it, i forgot his bedspace open for half the night and he didn't move out ONCE, he hasn't come out today either. He is unwilling to move even to get his favourite treats.
i am not sure. well, he is trying toileting but so far, no results. he did take some cucumber that i gave and few pellets, but i'm not sure if this is enough.
he likes to eat when we're not around, so i cannot really see if he's eaten an amount significant for me to notice it
This is a real emergency. I appreciate that it's difficult but do try to get your bunny to a vet ASAP. At the very least he needs painkiller.
Well, i tried talking to my dad about calling the vet at the very least, to get Musti prescripted to painkillers, but dad decided not to. He said that the vet will know no more than we do and that she wouldn't be able to help. He aIso said that even if he were to call then he wouldn't be able to get them because the vet is closed. He presumes it is, but i think it would be worth a shot anyway. will talk to him again tomorrow.
But what if dad still says no, what should i do then? Mum says that it's okay for him to drink chamomile tea as painkillers, but i'm hesitant about that.
Well, i tried talking to my dad about calling the vet at the very least, to get Musti prescripted to painkillers, but dad decided not to. He said that the vet will know no more than we do and that she wouldn't be able to help. He aIso said that even if he were to call then he wouldn't be able to get them because the vet is closed. He presumes it is, but i think it would be worth a shot anyway. will talk to him again tomorrow.
But what if dad still says no, what should i do then? Mum says that it's okay for him to drink chamomile tea as painkillers, but i'm hesitant about that.
Surely vets are open for emergencies?! And of course the vet can help! If Musti's leg is broken he will be in a lot of pain. Chamomile tea is not a painkiller. I don't know about your country but in the UK it is against the law not to get veterinary care in these circumstances.
Well, my dad got Musti for me just because i wanted a rabbit real bad. Need i say more, i'm the one most worried when something goes awry with him and my parents do not think of it as anything more than that of a sprain that will heal by itself. That being said, they could care less until he'd be too far off to help....with that ALSO being said, i took a careful look at his hurting leg and it did not feel like any of his slim bones were broken. He did twitch away when i touched his heel/ankle though, so it is most likely a sprain.
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Your family situation sounds just like mine. If I want to take Theo to the vet I have to pay for it and my parents don't even want to drive me. They say that Theo is fine when he is not eating, but that is because they don't know anything about rabbits.
Anyway, I would wrap the let in Vetwrap and give him an aspirin for the pain. Here is the dosage for aspirin. He needs to get to a vet and needs to eat.
Thanks a lot, @Mariam+Theo ! Yes it does sound alike. Everything from his ear situation drops, neuter surgery and vaccine, i've been the one who had to pay for it. Although i won't complain since i love him waaaay more than ma money and luckily i have plenty of emergency stash to go around with. so i thought i'd give a quick repport-y sort of thing:

two days ago at night: cage was (forgotten) open, Musti didn't come out at all.
yesterday morning: no movement on his part, no typical behaviours eg digging. Serious limping, balance issues, lack of appetite. no poops or pees, seemingly big pain.
yesterday noon: he'd eaten some ''snacks'' i'd given him, forced some pellets as well. some lone poop. no movement, no pees. i'd checked what went wrong. all bones felt healthy and in one piece.
yesterday evening: he'd briefly regained his appetite and some of his mobility. still hadn't heard him peeing loudly, but he was producing uniform, hard and round, albeit small poops. you could see him limp around. he did a short zoomie as well.
today(morning/now)):i'd heard him scampering and shuffling around in his bed-base. it was so obnoxiously loud he woke me up at 6am. he's a bit less mobile, but leaped onto my bed. he no longer twitches when i touch his leg, but it's still painful for him. when i tried placing him on all fours, he just plopped down. he is still producing round, hard, small poops. they sometimes get stuck to his bum. He just wet my bed right now. he has less appetite again, not willing to take pellets or hay. just like post-surgery.. Dad still refuses to call the vet, mum doesn't really care about it.
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@Mariam+Theo Since we have similar situations, i am wondering how are you convincing your parents that Theo is not okay when they think he is?
What could substitute vet-wrap though? any soft elastic band pheraps?
Are there any substitutes for aspirin? we don't have any.
mum doesn't want to buy it either, she was mad enough when i got simethicone drops for Musti.
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@Mariam+Theo Since we have similar situations, i am wondering how are you convincing your parents that Theo is not okay when they think he is?
What could substitute vet-wrap though? any soft elastic band pheraps?
Are there any substitutes for aspirin? we don't have any.
mum doesn't want to buy it either, she was mad enough when i got simethicone drops for Musti.
I would not attempt wrapping the leg, could do more harm than good. He really needs a vet. Can't you buy aspirin yourself? Your parents need to be told that a pet is a serious commitment. If they are not willing to pay for essential vetcare they should not have bought you a pet.
@Diane R I didin't think wrapping the leg could be good either. As for buying it myself, i don't have any pharmacies nearby, i live in a small parish. It is also not that they're not willing to pay for his medicines or anything, but just the fact that they don't esteem this situation to need a vet's help. Well, i made some progress as dad will go to the city tomorrow and stop by the vet to see what they say. If the vet doesn't give a specific painkiller/other instructions, i'll have dad buy Musti some aspirine.
@Apollo’s Slave i could vall the vet but i wouldn't be able to understand her or the receptionist. Despite it being estonia, they do not speak estonian well enough. Needless to say, i don't understand russian so much either. It honestly sucks living near the eastern border county..

Small Improvenemt notice: Musti is trying standing on his leg a little, but it still fails him. He's resting and drinking water. Fed him some pellets and hay.
Is there an option to call a different vet? It doesn’t have to be a rabbit or exotic vet. Just a reputable vet who works on cats and dogs. Even if they only know a small amount about rabbits.
Could you take a bus to the vet yourself? If I were in the situation where my parents wouldn’t take me but I had the money, that is what I’d do. Or even buy the medicine by yourself. I understand that their is Coronavirus also and many shops were on lockdown. But even if he’s seeming to improve, if he does have a sprain, a fracture or even a broken bone, it could get damaged worse, or heal in the wrong way. If he can’t stand on the leg but can put a little pressure, it is likely a sprain.
I don’t mean to sounds judgemental, at all. And I hope I don’t. I’m 13, and rely on my parents for Apollo’s healthcare but if your parents aren’t on your side, you need to find ways around it.
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Well, dad IS going to go to the city and the vet tomorrow since Musti's ear remedy has run out. So dad will ask what the vet thinks about it. If she doesn't know how to help either, then i'll just find the courage from somewhere to dial another vet to see what we should do.
I already turned down moms plan to give him ibumetin instead.

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