Scoobys sick--need some advice

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Carolyn wrote:
Will pray that all goes well. God knows you have enough of rabbit feet for good luck! ;)
It's getting close, I can feel it. Be sure to stay in touch.

i know what room the pc is going in, and i know there is a phone jackin there, however i may paint the room prior to "setting up shop".. bethe best way really, paint first then load the room;)

It's getting so close i can almost TASTE it....but man it has taken forever to get to this point...
UPDATE: Well, we took Scooby to the vettoday and he is impacted. (BTW--the logo isn't of Scooby,sorry, I haven't had a chance to get any on the computer as of yet, buthe is a black and white mini lop).I am giving him medicine and watereddown baby food, along with pineapple juice. He really lovesthe baby food and I am sooo happy to see him eating anddrinking. The vet said that if he hasn't pooed or isn't anybatter by wednesday, I need to take him back. I plan toanyway just as a procaution. I need to feed him again prettysoon, every few hours. Thanks again for all the help!
Thinking and praying for Scooby.

He's such a beautiful little guy!

Don't bypass the canned pumpkin as fiber to help get his system moving again.

ScoobyDoo wrote:
UPDATE: Well, we took Scooby to the vet today andhe is impacted. (BTW--the logo isn't of Scooby, sorry, Ihaven't had a chance to get any on the computer as of yet, but he is ablack and white mini lop).I am giving him medicine and watered downbaby food, along with pineapple juice. He really loves thebaby food and I am sooo happy to see him eating and drinking.The vet said that if he hasn't pooed or isn't any batter by wednesday,I need to take him back. I plan to anyway just as aprocaution. I need to feed him again pretty soon, every fewhours. Thanks again for all the help!
Keep us posted on hiscondition!
I also wouldencourage you to consider the canned pumpkin and the fresh squeezedpineapple juice as means of getting the digestive tract moving again.That's what I did for Sebastian when his stopped and it worked for us.


PS- I also used the nutri-cal

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