Running Away

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Jan 26, 2007
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Do any of your rabbits like to "run away" from you. Pepper really likes being held...will be very still and loves to be petted. But when I put her down on the floor to hop, she runs from me and it takes forever to catch her./themes/default<WBR>/rabbithop.gifAllison
Hi Allison, how are you?

Oh yes. Both mine do :).

It&#39;s usual for a rabbit to run away when you put them down. Some rabbits don&#39;t like being up in the airwhile they&#39;re being held, so being back on the floor is a relief to them. And plus, there&#39;s way too much to explore on the ground! :D

Treats are a good way to make it easier for you to catch her ;).
Oh yeah. There are many reasons Bo does it. He will run/hop away and hide...... so he doesn&#39;t have to go back to his cage.

He also will do it as a game. "I&#39;m gonna get da bunny!" and he hops/binkies and zoooomsssss "No you aren&#39;t!" ......
Well now. I just spent forever trying to get these brats in bed! It was like getting twin 2 year olds in bed at the same time.
I just let him play for quite awhile while I was redoing his cage and litter box. I blocked off some areas that he shouldn&#39;t be and he just played and played. I found that after he had alot of time to run around, he was easier to "catch". He liked playing chase with my dog though. It was rather amusing.
All but one of mine will come to me. In the cage they sometimes run away because they don&#39;t like being picked up but they are ok with it.

The one who runs away from me, Zoey, is very energetic though and would much rather be out and about that in her hutch! At one point I did have her trained to tell me when she wanted to go in and it worked great, but since her spay I have been unable to retrain her to do it.:disgust:
Oh and keep in mind you just got your bunny! She may be more interested in exploring that being caught! Sometimes babies are notoriously hard to catch because they don&#39;t want to be caught, my boys used to be hard to catch. Now they have settled down and rarely ever run away from me!
Caramel loves to run away from me, if i manage to catch her she tries to jump fom my arms but once settled i can hold her for sometime, she is a little madam when trying to catch her to put her back in her hutch i will have to take a pic so you can all see what she looks like
My girls love to run around the garden and have me chase them:disgust:, Berri is the worst, I remember a day last summer when I had them out of the run, when I was putting them back in Pebble and Ebony were lovely and didn&#39;t cause a problem.

Berri however, thought it would be funny to run around the run, again and again and again! She would sit happily munching the grass, I tried to sneak around the corner and grab her, just as I was nearly there, she was off, and then munched the grass some more!:shock:

Took I&#39;d say, 3 hours to get her!:rollseyes

I just make a habit of feeding mine when they&#39;re done with their regular playtime. Works like a charm! It also taught them to come when I call, because it means food. This is where having a cage they can get into and out of on their own comes in handy.

None of mine enjoy being picked up, although my foster bun lets me because he likes to snuggle once he&#39;s up.
yes, Bo knows the word "Oatsies" and if he comes to his cage he will get a few. That works wonders most of the time.
It depends with my two, they know if I&#39;m coming to see them to give them attention and food and will come racing over but as soon as they find out I&#39;m putting them away they wont come near me!:disgust:They&#39;re too clever for their own good sometimes!;)
Usually Nibbles will go back in her condo/play yard on her own, but not always. She alternates between letting me shoo her back in and playing "catch me."

When all else fails (not often), a small bit of banana does the trick in luring her out of hiding. She&#39;s able to turn her back on other kinds of food and small treats (for a while, at least), but not banana. ;)
When I pick up Mufasa he kicks and grunts and hates it until I put him against my body and let him know he&#39;s not in the air. Once I start to pet him, he calms down and love it, but as soon as I set him down he just runs off.

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