RIP Sweet Girl: Lennox is dying.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Cleveland-area, Ohio, USA
Lennox might not make it. No. Might's not the word the vet used. He said she's dying. That means she's not going to make it. She has to live...she has to.

I went out to Walmart to get the craft grids to lay over their litter pans and when I came home to put them in their boxes, Lennox was laying on the floor of her cage and barely breathing. I kind of stuck my hand in and tried to pick her up, but she started screaming. It was the worst thing I've ever heard!

We rushed her to the emergency vet as the other vets were all close d for the weekend by then. They suspect she broke her back, but they couldn't even do an x-ray because she was in such horrific pain. They put her on something - I don't even remember what as I was shaking and crying so much - to help ease the pain so they can do an x-ray. She's sleeping now, but there's not much hope she'll pull through. My mom brought me home because I was in such bad shape and because there was nothing we or the vet could do at the moment. We live close so if anything happens we can be there in 10 minutes, but I don't know what to do with myself. I'm at home crying while my baby is alone and dying...

I don't know what happened. I wish I was home to have seen it. I feel like the worst bunny mom ever. I was so aggravated by her this week when she was kicking out her litter, but I loved her still and I never dreamed anything bad would happen to her! I didn't mean to say that she was driving me crazy. I didn't mean it.

What am I going to do? I can't lose her. She's not even a year old. She's my baby. Please keep her in your prayers...please.

:( :( :(.
Oh my gosh! I hope she makes it! That is such a terrible thing that happened! I can't believe that she was screaming, I have heard a bunny scream before, I don't know why it did (wasn't mine) but I don't want to hear it again, it is awful.

I will keep Lennox in my thoughts and prayers!!:pray::pray::pray:
I'm so, so sorry.
PLease, please don't blame yourself. It is in no way your fault. I will keep her in my thoughts in hopes that she makes it.

- Chandra
wow thats terrible Alexah. I wonder how she has managed something like that in her hutch you always think they are safe when you put them away:(

sending good vibes Lennox's way:pray:
Oh man. Take a deep breath. Relax don't blame yourself.
OMG Lexi, I'm reading your post and tears are falling from my eyes. I am so sorry this happened to your baby (((HUGS)))

Please keep us posted, I will be praying for your baby.
Thank you all so much for your kind words and prayers. I'm a complete mess right now as I can't stop shaking even though my tears have stopped for a few minutes here and there. I can't get the sound of her screaming out of my head and it just keeps replaying itself...over and over and over again.

I called the vet's office and they still haven't been able to x-ray her. She's completely out, but whenever they try to move her, she screams in pain. They're giving her until 6:00pm to see if they can get pictures of her back. If they still can't get her pain levels down by then...we're going to have her put down. Ugh. Crying again.

I'll keep everyone updated. What hurts the most is that she's in pain, you know? But she's a strong girl and I want to give her every chance to pull through within reason. I can't even think about what's going to happen. Just please keep praying - I appreciate it so, so much.
She passed away on her own about 5 minutes ago :bawl:.

I'd write more, but I can barely see the screen through my tears and my hands are shaking so bad that it's hard to type.

Rest in peace, Lennox. I love you.

I'm so sorry Lexi, This is the hardest part of having animals :(
Im so sorry Alexah. Sometimes these things are beyond our control. We dont often think of this-we think they are safe when they are in their cages-but theres so many ways they can ingure themselves. This will be the third mysterious back injury for a bunny on the forum in just a few months. They can slip on the plastic floor or throw their back out while digging/playing around and theres no way to prevent that.

She was very loved during her time with you. Im sure she knew that. Please dont blame yourself, you were a great bunny mom to her. Sometimes these things just happen. I'll be praying you find peace.


Oh gosh, Alexah, I'm so sorry.

It all happened so fast as well. Poor Lennox. You will be pain free now little girl.

*hugs* You and your buns are in my thoughts tonight. I hope Silvie is ok, they were bonded weren't they?


:rose:Jen xx
Oh, Alexah, I'm SOOO sorry... Poor Lennox and poor you, and poor Silvie who doesn't have a sissy anymore... This is just terrible. I'm really sad for you guys, Lennox was a special girl and did not deserve to die so young and in such a bad way. I am so thankful I've never heard a rabbit scream and hope I never do. Part of the reason I want to limit my "herd" to 3 bunnies is that the more bunnies I have, the higher the chance of losing one of them young. One of my bunnies breaking their backs like what happened to Lennox is one of my worst nightmares. I'm so sad for her, darling little girl. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now Alexah, this is such a shock. I'm sure Lennox is in heaven, maybe you can draw a little comfort from that? And I don't know if you feel guilty about her death, I hope you don't because you did nothing wrong and rushed her to the vet right away to get her cared for. I felt guilty about Cinny's death even though I did nothing wrong and just found him almost dead in his cage one morning, it's so hard not to feel guilty. Please try not to though! You were her loving mama.
I'm so sorry Alexah. I wish there was something more they could have done to take away her pain.

R.I.P sweet girl. Binky free at the bridge!

Love Amanda.:in tears:
I cried reading through this post. I remember how hard it was (and still is) losing Mocha. I'm so sorry. Please don't blame yourself.

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