RIP Need some advice! - Head tilt

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Thank you everyone for all the information! I'm sadly to say that he passed away this morning :(When I got up at work at 3 am. he wasn't doing good so I called a friend to come over and take him to the vet for me. She got at my place at 6am and she tells me he's not breathing. I'm so upset. I wish of course this didn't happen, he was doing so well and then bam it just hit like a ton of bricks, he went down hill so quick! I was hoping he would've made it long enough to get to the vet and be checked out and do whatever they could, but it didn't happen that way.

Once again thanks everyone for the support and helpful information. Its much appreciated!:hug:
Aw, so sorry. :( But it was an uphill battle. I think your Vets were good and everybody did everything right, but he was just too sick.

You're a good guardian, I hope you share that with another bunny one day.


sas :sad:

Thank you. you know I've had rabbits pretty much all my life and I never had these issues. Honestly as of right now I dont want another one, this is heartbreaking! I feel as not having experience in knowing these problems that happen and I try to do as much research as I can, but with now I hear with rabbits having so many problems, I don't think I will get one for a long long time! I've had 3 animals die within the past 5 months. It's been so hard trying to deal with this. I've actually got a radon test and sent it in today to get tested because it's just strange to me that this has happened. Either it's something in the air or I have really bad luck! I try and try to do whatever I can to help and it's not enough. :tears2:
This forum like many others really is largely geared for sick bunnies, we concentrate on problems as an education for all because they're relatively new pets for guardians and Vets. So it may seem like there are so many issues, but it's the nature of the venues. And yes, it can get overwhelming. :(

Honestly you did everything right and you have a good Vet. Sometimes genetics/Mother Nature has different ideas.

But if you never had the time you had with your little friends, you would have missed out on so many happy moments. Hopefully they balanced out the heartbreak.

sas :pink iris:
I'm so sorry to hear this :(

All you can know is you did your absolute best, and all was done that could be for your little one.

It's sounds like it was something quite serious, so I'm not sure you really could have done anything else to help the little guy.

Don't be disheartened about rabbit ownership- any species (dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs etc) have their own range of possible illnesses etc. Preparation and knowledge of the most common ones are the key, so when the initial signs show up you know exactly what to do. As already mentioned, many sites, including this one, will be filled with stories of illness etc. because that's what people need to post about. If everyone posted every happy, healthy moment of their bun's life, then this forum would jam!!!

Again, I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you rite now

Thanks Jen

It's hard not to be discouraged well just because it happens so quick, there's not many signs of illness when it comes to a rabbit unless they have the runny nose or something thats visual. No matter how many animals you have that come and go it never gets easier when they pass or you have to put them down. And I think that is one of the reasons that is discouraging me from getting any other pets. It was fun to see him run around with the cats and I can leave my bunny outside of the cage for hours and not have to worry about him chewing on cords and the cats wouldn't harm him. I didn't have to worry about finding pebbles all over the place because he would hop back in his cage when he had to go. He wasn't litter trained but he knew to go back in his cage. He was such a good bunny.:bunnydance:
I can totally understand :(

It's harder with rabbits because they can hide their illnesses so well- it's natural to them otherwise in the wild they'd be picked off by a predator immediately a sign of weakness was shown.

The only animals I have lost were the most wonderful dog, Bruno, but I was only 8 at the time, so I don't really remember my grief too well- I just know I was devastated, and it often tears at my heart, especially when I look at our framed picture of him on the wall. Also I grew up with him as a baby (he was there before I was born), so when we had to have him PTS (he was 17 years old :) )it was the most awful, weird time because I'd never ever lived without him for even a day. But hamsters etc. I have also lost, but I never particularly bonded with them like you would with an animal that is around you all day every day, so it was really only a few days of sadness etc.- not like what I expect when....I have to lose my three babies. I have three pets- Benji and Pippin, my bunnies, and Lily, my gorgeous cat. My family also has six dogs as well, so I really am in for some heartache over the next 20 years or so.

I honestly don't know how I will cope. I think about it almost every day :(

But I try and tell myself that there is no point in worrying about when you will lose someone/something you love so much, because you should be spending that time being happy with them etc. and its inevitable, so you might as well just get on with enjoying your time with them.

He sounds like a wonderful little bunny- and a very good boy too! He must have been a pleasure to have, and I'm sure the happy memories will always keep you smiling at the thought of him.

:) Jen
I'm so sorry he passed on. I hope you don't get too discouraged. You were such a good parent to him, and it was just bad luck that he got ill. It can happen, but I second what Pipp said about not all bunnies having lots of issues. My 4 have very few issues, and two of them have stomachs of steel. Last night I discovered that Tony had eaten all my tomato and pepper seedlings (the leaves are poisonous), along with other non-toxic seedlings, by jumping onto the top of a dresser via the back of a couch. He's totally fine but really on Mommy's bad side now. I only ever have problems with gas in the two netherlands if they eat too many treats, and it usually goes away in a few hours. Some bunnies just seem to be healthier than others. I hope you can remember the fun things Thumper did, that made him so special (just like I'll always remember Tony eating all my seedlings I started for the garden, once I get over being mad), and let another bunny back into your life.
I hope one day I'll get another one, but for now it won't happen. I need time to heal with this whole thing. I've had bad luck for the past 5 months. In those 5 months I've had 3 animals pass. My cat, iguana and now my bunny. I think that is why I'm so discouraged to get another or just another pet for that matter because I don't know what is going on. I wish I knew the answers on why this is happening. I was so determined to not let this happen to Thumper, but it happened anyway. My cat mysteriously passed, he was only 3 and a half years old and that was heartbreaking as it is to come home and find him laying there when nothing was wrong with him that I knew of obviously. I know I have a lot more heartbreak to go, but I try not to think about it because I want to live now and have the memories and the happiness and joy they all give me now.
You need to heal yourself before you bring another soul into your heart.

I'm so sorry for all your losses- these things happen, and sometimes it takes a long time to get over. Our first dog, Bruno, who I think I mentioned earlier, affected us all so much that we then waited 8 years before we got any other pets (excluding hamsters, which we've had a few of, which brought us much joy).
You need to concentrate on yourself first, and then, once you feel ready (if you ever do, you might decide your family is perfect the way it is), you can move on to bring another precious animal into your family.

Jen x x x
What happened to your iguana? :(

All though its most likely these losses are unrelated, I would take a close look at their environment -- cleaning products, sprays, plants, you name it.

I know companies like Swiffer keep saying their products are safe, I know that my cats and bunnies are a bit 'off' when I use them. Pinesol is another one -- I read somewhere that the same properties that makes untreated pine litter dangerous hold true for Pinesol, I don't know how true that is, but the bunnies get quiet and the cats throw up.

They are new discoveries everyday about things that cause illness -- like baked goods cooked very high temperatures can be carcinogenic (a cancer-promoting agent). Whodda thunk.

New diet studies comes out daily, too, about how certain foods prevent certain cancers or whatever.

Who knows what we're missing.

I had a young cat who suddenly died, and my brother's dog, too. Genetic defects -- the dog (and probably the cat) had an aneurysm.

There are so many things out there that can hurt us and our loved ones, worrying about them or trying to micro-manage them is pointless and makes the time we have with them on this planet that much less enjoyable.

We really do have to remember not to let the days of pain obscure the days of joy.

sas :purplepansy:
My iguana just passed, wasn't sure what was wrong with him. I'm aware of cleaning products and all that stuff like that. I try to be as careful as I can with cleaning supplies around the animals. The iguana was in my walk in closet and I don't use any harmful cleaning supplies in my closet. Whenever I'm going to use any cleaning supplies I open the windows just to be careful of the animals and my well being as well. And I won't use so many cleaning products in a day either. If it can give me a headache I'm sure it will harm the animals in some way. Like yesterday I was bleaching the bunny's cage and I put on the fan in the bathroom so it would'nt stink up the apartment of bleach.

I talked to my mom this morning and she says one of our long time cats will have to be put down tomorrow. He's a diabetic and now he's having a lot of problems walking. He tries to walk and he falls over. Then she also thinks he is going blind too.

When my one cat died after 14 years I didn't get another until I moved out. Even though living with my mom and her having her cats is wasn't the same as having my own. I definitely wasn't ready to get another living with my mom, but when I moved out I wanted another companion around and then it started to be more and more :)I think animals are great to have around, but I will need to heal for a period of time if I even decided to get another bunny. My mom said she can get me another one because the guy next door has a whole bunch in hutches and he probbaly wouldn't realize one is even gone :pbut I told her no it's not what I want right now. I need to tend to my others and focus on them at this point and enjoy their presence.
i'm only catching this thread now.....skimming thru the infirmary b/c my bun has head tilt. i completely understand how you feel. i literally almost threw up when i saw him. hubby ran him to the vet while i was at work and i just felt like a bunny-mommy failure. he's my baby and last night when i was with him i didn't notice any head tilt. and if only i can petted him this morning before i left for work then maybe i would have known earlier then maybe i would have gotten him to the vet in the morning instead of 2pm.

i can "if only" over and over and over but i have to realize that "it is what it is". some things can't always be prevented. they will happen no matter what. i also raise canaries and they are fragile little creatures. i've had plenty die. once i found dead the morning of my wedding!!! i cry every time. even when they are old and i know their time is limited. it's human to feel that way. give it time. one day when you least expect it you'll be out shopping and just for the heck of it you'll stop at a pet store just to "see the animals" and there will be this baby bunny that you just can't stop petting and you'll fall in love. trust me----that's how it happened with liffey!!! i was never going to buy from a pet store. but i ran in to get bird seed. and then went in every day for a week. yup you guessed it----came home with liffey. and he has been the love of my life ever since. head tilt and all :biggrin2:

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