Rest in Peace darling Puck

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Peg I am terribly sorry for your lost of Sweet Puck. I loved his stories and loved how he found every way to get out of the bunny room

Binkie Free big boy Puck
I can just now post here.

I cried my eyes out all day when this thread was first posted. I am about to cry just leaving this post.

When I would sit up late on your computer Puck would go over to the corner of his cage that was nearest to me and look at to say "Hey, you come play with me!". I would put my fingers in his cage and he would come over and chin them.

Just by looking at Puck you could tell he was a special guy. Dispite his odd appearence, he was a little lover.

Rest in peace, little late night flirty bunny buddy :rainbow::hearts. I hope you made it safely to bunny heaven. Say hello to Pow Wow, Stinky-Butt, and any other bunny friend of yours that I may have met that crossed while I was visiting.

I was wondering how you would take it - I knew you liked him.

I used to go out in the mornings (before you were up) and talk to him and pet him....and Art would often talk to him and pet him when watering the bunnies.

Sometimes Art would bring him out of the cage and we'd coo at him and talk to him...

Oh well...I must remind myself he no longer has wry neck..


undergunfire wrote:
I can just now post here.

I cried my eyes out all day when this thread was first posted. I am about to cry just leaving this post.

When I would sit up late on your computer Puck would go over to the corner of his cage that was nearest to me and look at to say "Hey, you come play with me!". I would put my fingers in his cage and he would come over and chin them.

Just by looking at Puck you could tell he was a special guy. Dispite his odd appearence, he was a little lover.

Rest in peace, little late night flirty bunny buddy :rainbow::hearts. I hope you made it safely to bunny heaven. Say hello to Pow Wow, Stinky-Butt, and any other bunny friend of yours that I may have met that crossed while I was visiting.
I'm sorry to bump such an old thread - but I just can't help it. I'm missing Puck so badly today - I just want my little boy back so much.

I made the mistake of looking at the rescue section and seeing a lop in Maryland and that set off the grief again ~ almost as if it was fresh and new. I found myself crying hysterically almost - and then I calmed down enough to call a friend and cry on her shoulder.

So I guess I thought I'd bump this thread to post about some things that made Puck so darned special.

When Puck wasn't even 8 weeks old - Art was trying to vacuum the carpet and Puck got right in his path and tried to take on the vacuum cleaner. He was so determined that Art could NOT vacuum up his poops....and he sat right in the way - even when Art tried to get him to move. I think that was when Art lost his heart to Puck....this tiy bundle of fur trying to tell him what to do and not do. (It worked too - every time we'd try to vacuum the floor - if Puck was out playing he'd come and make us stop).

Puck loved to jump too. We had the Netherland dwarves - they loved to hop. We had Tiny - he loved to sleep. The lionheads loved to binky. But Puck? He had to jump and it seemed like he was continually raising the bar to see how high he could jump and what he could get to next.

He loved to go outside and play too. He just KNEW that he belonged in the grass - and he showed us all the holes in the fence system (by getting through them and getting stuck in the neighbor's yard). Then he got mad at us for finding him.

I'll never forget the time the new neighbor showed up at our door and said, "Is this yours?" and Puck was sitting in his hands looking at me as if to say, "Me? Get Loose?" We put him back in the back yard and stood watching to see what he did. He hopped around for a minute and then looked around for us and when he didn't see us - he went right for the hole he'd found (after Art had walked to fence looking for holes). I called him and distracted him (and he came running) and Art blocked the hole. When I turned my back - he hopped back to the hole and then looked all around trying to find it again since Art had blocked it with a brick. He finally sat ON TOP of the brick surveying his domain while he decided what trouble to get into next.

Oh Puck....I love you so much. I miss you like the dickens too. Binky free my boy...I think today my loss of you really hit hard - perhaps for the first time - as if I'd been numb for too long.

Daddy loves you too - he just watched a video of another lop (the one that started me crying ~ I explained that I'd seen it and thought of you) and he laughed and said, "Boy....Puck was something...wasn't he?".

Binky free my boy....I know we'll see each other again someday.

Oh I am so sorry. I just read about the day in the life. What a spunky boy Puckie was! It breaks my heart. These little bun friends are actually so fragile. They bring out the best in us and we can't help but be so taken with them.

RIP Puckie, sweet baby, you are in the Lord's hands now. Binky free with all the other angel bunnies.

When my baby bunnies died right before Christmas I told my grandson that God needed more bunnies in heaven for the big celebration.
It is so hard my Puck to think its been a year since you passed. Tell me - is every day in heaven as good as the first one? Does Tiny still try to keep you in line? (I don't think it is possible to keep you in line).

I dreamt of you last night - I think you've been on my mind because I knew that today was the one year anniversary of when you crossed the bridge. In my dream - you were running and playing and you were whole again. I watched you binky all over the place and couldn't help but smile.

I still miss you. Every time I see Puckina - I think of you. Your daughter is so NOT like you - she is so much like her mama - but in her face - I see you in her eyes sometimes. Sometimes when she goes outside...I see you in the way she enjoys the fresh air and wants to be in the sunshine.

I wish you were still here - for my sake. But I'm glad that you're whole again.

I commissioned a picture of you a while ago - and at first I wasn't sure how I felt about it - it didn't seem like you.

Then I realized - it was because it was you when you were whole...before the wry neck. I went back to pictures of you as a youngster and it reminded me of the joyful times - when we couldn't keep you off the bed or couch or whevever you wanted to be.

Here it is my Puck....


So be well my whole. And know that I miss you - but wouldn't wish you back to your crippled body in spite of my loss - because your spirit was so strong - I realize you needed to be free of your body.

I love you.

I am so sorry Peg. Puck was such a cutie....:cry4:

Rest In Peace Puck and binky free.:rainbow:

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