Rest in Peace darling Puck

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binky free puck....suchhhh an adorable will have all the time for mischief that you'd like in bunny heaven over that rainbow bridge....

<3 always for you puck.
Thank you everyone for your kind comments. I have really appreciated them very much.

I wanted to share part of an email that I sent to a friend tonight - and then a poem - because I think it expresses how I feel about Puck's passing.

Thanks for the hugs. Its sort of hard right now - feeling a bit numb....a bit happy (for him) that he's passed and is not in pain....and yet sad for myself and our family.

I did ok till Art woke up and I had to ask him to bury Puck. He knew we were working with Puck - but he hadn't realized just how bad off he was. Heck - Robin and I were feeding him at 2 am this morning and I was saying, 'by golly...I think he's going to pull through this.." and then at noonish - he passed away.

When I watched Art pick up Puck and cradle him in his arms - in sort of the same position he would pick up Puck and love on him (laying him on his back and rubbing his tummy like a kitten)......I teared up. I don't know if Art cried while he was outside burying Puck....but he about cried when he carried him outside.

I think the numbness is because Puck's quality of life went so far downhill since he got wry neck last year. Oh - we loved on him and we petted him and stuff....but pre wryneck he was a hellion. He would bounce on anything and everything and run and play and he was as free as a butterfly. Then the wry neck happened and it really slowed him down a lot. Not only did his body change - but it was like his spirit changed too. He was now bound by his body and I think it was hard for him.

I think I'm numb because I know that his passing was best for him. Last night I realized I could give him a push of IV fluids and try to save his life.....but that he had a good change of only having it extended by hours - not by any real length of time. So Robin and I gave him a bit of pain meds and then baby food and water and he took about 50 cc between the two of them - which is about what I would have done for an emergency push of fluids (44 cc)....I thought..."he's gonna make it..".

The hardest part is we put Jenny in with him yesterday to try to pull him out of it - they had a real close bond (she had his babies twice). Now I think she is grieving for him even though he died in our arms. (Ok - so she's also making googly eyes at Tiny too).

This hurts so bad - but I guess what I'm trying to say is it would be hurting so much worse if he hadn't had the wry neck and been ill.....then it would have been devastating. But Puck didn't like being in a way, it brings me joy to know he's pain-free.


Now I'll share a poem that sort of reminds me of what has happened to Puck...

It's a poem about pilots called "High Flight" and I used to hear it on the tv in the evenings before they'd shut down for the night (that's right youngsters - we didn't used to have tv 24/7).

High Flight Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds - and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of - wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air.
Up, up the long delirious, burning blue,
I've topped the windswept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or even eagle flew -
And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod
The high untresspassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand and touched the face of God.

Pilot Officer Gillespie Magee
No 412 squadron, RCAF
Killed 11 December 1941

I believe with all of my heart that Puck has slipped the bounds of this earth - and the wry neck that so hindered him......and reached out to touch the face of God...the one who made him..

I keep trying to picture God laughing and saying, "binky again Puck....I love to watch you binky".

oh no Peg, Im just seeing this.

I am so so sorry to hear this. I got your pm earlier about him not doing well and I was just thinking "there is no way she can lose him, its just too much". Im just speechless, there are no words.

I am just so sorry. Let me know if you need to talk.

I'm just seeing this as well. Gosh Peg.. I'm just.. :( gosh. I'm so very sorry. What a tough month for you.
I'm here for you also if you need anything.
Warm hugs friend.
Binky Free Puck.. sweet baby.

Well, I saw this minutes after it being posted and I couldn't respond. I couldn't believe it was Peg again, posting something she really couldn't, but had to.

Peg, I am so very sorry for your loss of Puck. He is definitely dancing over there. Just wanted to let you know how sorry I am.:rose:

Man, Puck, You're gonna be a tough one in Heaven:rainbow:
I am so very sorry, Peg. I always remember that 'Day in the Life' story and it gave such a wonderful picture of Puck's character.

You are having such an awful time of it, and I know Art will miss Puck terribly. I am thinking of you all.

This is kind of a sequel to "A Day In The Life of Puck"...I hope you enjoy it..

Puck's First Day in Heaven

?? pm - Arrival - hop and binky and jump into the lap of this guy named "Buck Jones" who rubs my ears and pets me and tells me he's the "big kahuna bunny"

Look around for Tiny

Run around and play some more

Peek around a bush at a big black rabbit - trying to decide if its Tiny

Get knocked over by GingerSpice as she comes running up and jumps me from behind

Play chase and pretend breeding with GingerSpice

Keep checking behind back for Tiny

Meet R2D2 and play dodge with R2 and GingerSpice

Find a hay field and start munching

Fall asleep and dream of home

Wake up at the sound of approaching rabbits and hop away in case its Tiny

Get a drink from the stream and go talk to the Buck guy only to see GingerSpice snuggled up in his backpack type thing he wears

Jump & binky to get GingerSpice to come play
Find some cute girls and chase them

Chase a butterfly

Look around for Tiny

Talk to some cute young girls about wry neck and how much better I can hop now - demonstrate a few binkies

Flirt with a really cute doe

Look around for Tiny

Ask GingerSpice when suppertime is....and follow her to a big big field filled with all sorts of vegies and grasses and hays

Look around for Tiny

Follow GingerSpice as she gets a brief sad look in her eye - and follow her to a bridge....

Almost fall in the water while staring into it with GingerSpice and watching Tiny cuddle with mom and the other bunnies

Shed a single tear into the water - and then nip GingerSpice and dare her into a game of chase

Look around for Tiny one last time.....and then take off chasing after Ginger...

Tiny will come someday....till then, Puck can play without any more lectures!
suggestion to add:

.........The single tear creates ripples that disturb the sadness and....

....I pause toremember the last time I got a chance to pee on Mom.


...binky on, Puck!


I think you all would have suffered if he had lived longer. It wouldn't have been fair to you guys to watch him be miserable and it wouldn't have been fair to him to be unable to play and enjoy life to its fullest. You can't feel bad for feeling numb or not grieving as much. I know that it must hurt you terribly but at the same I think we can't help but feeling relieved during these times.

Big hugs to you :)
Thanks for the thoughts MsBinky - but the fact is - Puck lived - quite happily even - with wry neck for over a year. He was quite happy and loved to get pets and such and he would run circles in his cage.

I would have happily had him continue to live like that (compared to GingerSpice who had a wasting disease and was going downhill in front of my eyes).

It was only for the last day or two that his body wasn't working well and he went downhill.

Yes, his spirit did sort of change when he got wry neck....but he was still a lover....he just wasn't able to get into as much mischief!


MsBinky wrote:

I think you all would have suffered if he had lived longer. It wouldn't have been fair to you guys to watch him be miserable and it wouldn't have been fair to him to be unable to play and enjoy life to its fullest. You can't feel bad for feeling numb or not grieving as much. I know that it must hurt you terribly but at the same I think we can't help but feeling relieved during these times.

Big hugs to you :)

Jim - you should have warned me so I wouldn't be drinking when I saw this. Now I need to clean my monitor....well...almost.

Seriously though - believe it or not - I don't think Puck ever peed on me. He did pee on Robin as he was passing....and boy did he get her good. But he never peed on me.

GingerSpice and Pow Wow GingerSpice would be regretting she didn't have mom to pee on anymore....I could see that happening.


JimD wrote:
....I pause toremember the last time I got a chance to pee on Mom.
Oh sorry Peg, I thought it got worse over time. I didn't understand that part. Of course, I understood he was happy with you guys. I didn't realize that is was so unexpected. I thought it was similar to what my buns had died from.

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