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Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
I haven't been on here since '11. Time has flown. Didn't actually know I had an account on this forum.

Since the last time I was here, the rabbit I had back then, Clymo, reached almost to his 12th year before getting fly strike and had to be put to sleep last September. Fly strike is something I'd never experienced before and hopefully never will again with any of my pets. I was absolutely devastated and furious at myself for letting it happen as I've always been careful. He was a lovely lad and I miss him a lot.

I currently have 5 rabbits, that I'm proud to say are all rescues. A doe/buck pair I bonded last year, Whisky and Buster - they are totally in love with each other lol. And three bachelor bucks, Jake, Winston, and a new boy I only got yesterday who doesn't have a name yet but I'm thinking of calling him Henry. Hopefully I'll get some photos posted of them at some point. They are lovely.

I also rescue guinea-pigs, and currently have 13. And I have 3 goldfish too, but they weren't rescues.

I'd love to become an active member on here, but I'm hesitant at speaking on these forums because of judgement, misunderstandings and verbal abuse I've got from people. It wasn't pleasant so I kept away from all of them.

Anyway, that's me. And though I introduced myself as 'Heather' before, for personal reasons, I use the name Harvey now.

Hello again, and thanks :)
Hi and welcome back to RO! I'm so sorry about the loss of your special bun. It is certainly very difficult when we lose them as they definitely hold a place in our hearts. I'm glad that you've been able to add to your bunny family despite the difficulty of the loss. Means more bunnies in a good home :)

Hopefully your forum experience will be more enjoyable this time through. We try to keep things friendly and helpful here. Feel free to just browse if you don't feel comfortable to post too much yet. I hope as you become more comfortable with us all, that you will feel comfortable to post more about you and your animal family :) It sounds like you have quite the clan. Can't wait to see pics of them all :)
So sorry for your loss of Clymo--any loss is devastating. The only problem I have had here and that's been awhile, is some people don't understand the English language even though they've spoken it their whole life. I always think of the idiots that misinterpreted Randy Newman's song "short people"--it's about how irrational prejusdice's can be yet there were a lot of "idiots" up in arms about how Randy disliked people of short stature. Just have to put things in perspective or as a friend of mine once said, "some people are so narrow minded their ears rub". Always loved the George Carlin quote too--"God must love stupid people because he made so **** many!" The moderator's do a great job of "slamming a door" on the heads of any idiots that are intolerant, and by that I mean those that feel it's alright to vilify you if you don't agree with their irrational or not viewpoints. I have always felt that Voltaire got it right--"I may not agree with what you're saying, but I'll defend your right to say it" as long as it's not outright hate speech.
I'm never gonna say anything mean to people on this forum.

Sounds like you have a bunch of sweet rabbits!
Thanks for the welcome :)

Ah, I didn't explain properly - I didn't have the difficulties on this forum, it was other pet ones I've been members of and they were rather harsh towards me when I stuck up for myself, and actually some animals we'd been discussing about, and even the moderators were against me, so I was simply banned from them. I've kept away from other forums since 2008 I think, then joined this one in regards to Clymo, but then I had a lot going on in my life at the time so didn't come on here.

Blah-dee-blah... anyway! Thanks also for the kind words over Clymo. I'd had him over 11 years so having to let him go was devastating. He's buried in the garden though and I have tons of lovely memories and photos of him so he's always with me :)

Yea, my buns are beautiful :) Buster is the one in my avatar. Must get these pics up of them!
Hello there, and welcome back to the forum. I hope you find yourself at home here, looking forward to seeing pics of the bunnies :)

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