ReHome/Foster-Belle's not well again.

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I was actually wondering why she needed propulsid and lactulose if it's her teeth that bother her. Her vet said that it was because Belle's stomach was hard, which it was. So I thought they were given to her to relieve tummy bloating, and to help pass the food.

I wouldn't mind finding Belle a new vet, but unfortunately I see a couple of complications. I believe there is only one other rabbit savvy vet in my town. There are other vets in towns somewhat close to me, but I don't drive, and I don't know any other bunny slaves in this area. It seems that I'm the only one :(
I am going to call the other vets office tomorrow, and see about pricing and stuff. I'll also call a few rabbit shelters and see where that leads me.

I really appreciate all the feedback and help you guys are giving me. I don't feel as down-trodden, and I was able to concentrate on getting some work done. :)
The rescues will know who the Vets are. Phone them first.

A dental specialist will do in this case, not necessarily a rabbit vet. Very common surgery.

sas :)
I know! I was so happy when I found out. :biggrin2:
I called and made an appointment, and the soonest they can see Belle is in a week, because their rabbit specialist is on Vacation. She should be okay until then right? As long as I keep syringe feeding her and keep her hydrated, she should be alright until next Friday?

I meant to post this last night, but my internet went out.
She'll be fine. Keep trying to entice her with a variety of harder veggies (kale, carrot tops, whatever favorites she has) and bits of fruit like apple peels and it should help keep them in check.

No problem getting nutrition, just have to make sure they don't really cut into her cheek or tongue. Although you can still keep her nourished, just not as comfortable).

sas :clover:
Hey guys. I just thought I'd let you all know that Belle's still holding strong while we wait for her appointment, which is on Friday. She's holding up nicely, although a little grumpy. Can't say that I blame her, really.

I've been offering her a variety of greens, and she's been trying to eat them, but you can tell it causes her pain, so she's just kind of been laying next them. Poor bum! (I call her "Bum" sometimes, lol.)

I'll keep you guys updated as often as I can. :)

I just wanted to give you guys an update.
Belle went to the vet's office Friday- they looked at her teeth, and guess what- no points! It seems she broke the points herself.... but she still wasn't really eating, so they figured stasis because her belly was kind of bloated. So they sent us home, and I've been treating her for stasis.
At the moment, she's still bloated-like, and not wanting to eat on her own, so I'll be giving the vet another call tomorrow.

If she has stasis she will need a lot of fluids .. You can squeeze a fresh pineapple and give her a few ccs of pineapple juice a few times per day.

I usually also get pedialyte and syringe that regularly through out the day( as much as the rabbit will take)
it is not in the protocol but I am finding that givingmy rabbit a dose of benebac often seems to help if they either have gas or are in stasis .

And of course you need to treat for gas..using simethicone
Can you encourage Belle to move about at all and/or give her gentle tummy rubs ?

How did they examine her teeth?

An exam with a scope is not reliable in diagnosing teeth problems... if it is not spurs it could be something with the tooth roots. An x-ray is a bette diagnostic tool
Let us know

You both have been through a lot :hug: