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Active Member
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Luca is being a bit of a brat right now and "redecorating" his cage. He's throwing around his litterbox, his nest (wicker basket with hay in it), and his house, so I have a nice big mess to clean. Is he just playing or is he PO'd. And another question, sometimes he will stomp the ground really hard, just wondering what it means.
It sounds like he probably needs more stimulation.

It is possible though that something else has triggered this, such as a change in his circumstances, maybe an illness, maybe an addition to the household, maybe a change of routine.

How big is his cage? Does he have many toys in there? Do you vary what he has?

For the litter tray in particular I would suggest maybe getting one, or adjusting this one, so it attachs to the side if possible, so that he can't flip it (although he might still take great pleasure in digging it).

Stamping can mean anything. Typically it means fear, but for some buns it can be a way to communicate anything from excitement, anticipation, annoyance, and others, to just seeking attention from someone.
He has a fairly big cage for a little dwarf, Ill post pictures below. He likes to make new doors in his cardboard house and throw around his basket. He has completely ignored every toy I have given him. And he has a fleece bed that he likes to dig in. There havent been any changes in the household.
Would it be possible to attach a pen to his cage so he had some more space? then he could go in and out as he wanted. Would that be a possible option?
He isnt in his cage much, mainly when we are sleeping and not at home. And if my house was bigger it would be an option, but its just too small. We do have a spare bedroom, but all of our floors are either hardwood or linoleum and he hates it. Is there something I could cover the floor with so I could give him the spare room?
He likes to dig in blankets, chew his basket, throw around the stuff in his cage, and shred paper. Oh and he likes eating our utility bills :devil . He's never chewed wire or anything like that, the kitten beats him to it.

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