Recently diagnosed with celiacs disease...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2012
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Eastern Panhandle, West Virginia, USA
Anyone else? I have to get on a gluten and diary free diet ASAP! I'm really bummed and scared that I'm not going to have much left to eat lol I got some cookbooks last night and hopefully going shopping tonight for some G-free options. anybody else have celiacs? Or are living gluten free?
Nope, but some of the best food i've eaten is G-Free :D Cakes are especially delicious...but not the bread....dont fall for the bread :p
One of my good friends cant eat gluten she actually does very well considering she home makes EVERYTHING I'm not an expert and please don't go by what I'm saying because i don't know if I'm right but almost everything she home makes she can eat because if you home make it you know it doesn't have gluten

good luck:biggrin:
Really not that bad. My roommate has it, so we have a celiac friendly house. Honestly, with a lot of the food nowadays, you wouldn't know the difference. Gluten-free, vegan pastries rock.

Once you get used to the things you can eat, it's pretty easy to adapt. At first, when I found out my roommate had it, I was like dude, what will we eat??? But I rarely eat anything that you can't eat now, and even as a strict vegetarian, I don't feel like I'm missing anything.
There are SOOOO many good gluten free products out there its really not that hard. Even the gluten free breads have gotten a lot better. Its definitely not the exact same as regular bread but a decent substitute if you toast it. You might even be able to find a gluten free store in your city. I know we have one and that made it a lot easier as you knew you could buy anything in there. They also sold their products in a special section of the regular grocery store. This is the store from my city Their breads were great and the donuts rocked!

You'll just have to get used to reading labels and not really being able to eat at most restaurants unless it specifies no gluten. Gluten is in TONS of stuff you wouldn't even think. So never assume something is safe.

It can be a little sad at first not being able to eat your favorite things. You just need to find a new way to make them. I found it was much much harder giving up dairy as vegan cheese doesn't come close when cheese if your favorite.

Oh and a great gluten free pasta is quinoa. I've tried a bunch of different kinds and quinoa tasted exactly like regular pasta. The rice pasta is much better then it used to be but still a bit different in texture.
Also check out if you have a local celiac support group in your area. For me that was the most helpful. On their website they had a list of gluten free restaurants or menu items and where to buy gluten free stuff locally etc.
Just beware on things you wouldn't think have gluten.. My one friend who has celiac's made some tater tot casserole to have with her kids and realized the store bought tots were dusted with flour to keep them from sticking...

So, she makes her own. There are a LOT of food blogs online about gluten free and dairy free. I think I'd find dairy free the hardest since I love ice cream a bit too much.

You'll certainly have to change your foods, but there are a LOT of substitutions these days. I saw someone made a crust for a cheesecake with food processed dates, coconut, and chopped nuts. ( )
Ooh, ooh, one more thing. Do you have Natural Grocers by you? They have such a huge selection of gluten-free stuff. We eat vegan, gluten-free macaroni and cheese all the time. It's actually really good!

Also, I <3 quinoa. Best. Stuff. Ever. So much better than rice or pasta, it's not even funny.
Thank you so much everybody! I went shopping last night, the first time with my new no gluten "glasses on" I was really surprised at the amount of things I was able to get... I absolutely LOVE coconut milk yogurt! So YUM! I did find that alot of things that are gluten free have diary so I am learning how obsessive I need to be about read labels! I am so glad I can still have rice :) I won't miss pasta so much, and honestly I really never eat bread anyway... The hidden things are the things that will get me... I mean DUDE mustard has gluten! And ketchup! What? Craziness! Lol
So we have been in the UK visiting my husbands family for about 3days now... Nd WOW! Being away from all my normal foods and eating things other people have prepared, even tho I am being really careful is reeking havoc on my body... I've been sick for hours... :( I LOVE it here, and don't want to leave in my heart but my stomach is dying to go home! Sigh...

@Elizabeth - try googling symptoms of Celiacs disease!they symptoms are so numerus and different for each individual... I have been sick with a horrible stomach that is sensitive to SO many things my whole life... And I think we have finally figured out why... I do know it's very hard to diagnose, many are told they don't have it when it fact they do!
Quinoa is really yummy. :) I'm a pescetarian (vegetarian who eats fish essentially), I've been trying some gluten free stuff too. I heard rice pasta is supposed to be yummy, tried it once but cooked it for too long and it got mushy so it was weird. lol I found this lady's cooking blog that is a gluten & dairy free vegetarian, here's the link if you'd like to check it out .

Good Luck!! :)
Oh if you ever come to Australia :) I work at a cafe and most of our meals are GF or vegetarian!

I know one thing though a lot of People come to get NAchos and just ask for the sour cream off. But you have to be really careful because a lot of corn chips aren't GF. But if you find cakes like apple rhubarb and pear and walnut they are super delicious and even people that have the choice always favour those cakes :)

I think you will learn that you won't miss much with your new diet and since you won't really miss bread then I think you won't notice a lot of the tine.
I recently went gluten free to get healthy and for a picky eater like myself it is surprisingly do-able. Stores like Trader Joe's and Whole foods have a pretty big selection for gluten free. I shop at Trader Joe's when I can and the stuff is relatively cheap there. Plus they give handy little "g" symbols on most of the gluten free products to make it easy.

I've found that most products taste just the same without the gluten. And as for bread, it may be an aquired taste but I actually really like Ezekial Bread as a sandwich bread or toasted with a topping. It's likely available at any grocery store in the refrigerated section.

And an easy way to think about it is anything Natural (red meat, chicken, fish, nuts, etc.) is going to be gluten free and that's the good stuff anyway so that's a good start.

And there are quite a few snacks that are safe to my knowledge as well. Most plain and some flavored Popcorns, Potato Chips, Nuts, and plenty of marked gluten free snacks.

I'm going to stop before I sound like I actually know what I'm talking about. But my mom is reading a book called Wheat Belly that has a lot of good information if you want to give that a shot.

Enjoy your much healthier eating!
label reading gets you so far. Some small things like "caramel coloring" have gluten in it. It's surprisingly easy to call/google companies and find out if the additives contain gluten or not. Depending on sensitivity you have to watch cross contamination as well. Hubby has Celiacs but not to the point of that kind of sensitivity. Also watch your lotions and chapsticks. Alot of them have a wheat filler for thickness. Again depends on your sensitivity. I purged our kitchen and chucked everything with gluten and scrubbed counters and cupboards and started from square one. That way there was no temptation and no cross contamination. It's really big in Europe and gaining notability in the states.

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