Rabbits really suck sometimes

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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This morning Candyfloss decided she would divorce Cloud. So both of them are now alone. I'm doing some impromptu bonding to see if Cloud and the Dopeys can rebond back into their trio.

Candyfloss has caused nothing by trouble since she has been here. I want her to have a friend too, and I must have somebunny here that will go with her (out of 17 somebun must work), but each time I find her a friend they do ok for a while and then they divorce, and its down to her.

I knew it was on the cards, but I just needed them to wait until March time.

Poor Cloud.
Oh dear sorry about that :(

Sometimes they don't know whats for the best, hope somebun manages to bond with her soon :(

Good Luck

Poor CLoud though - Bless

You know, my Sister INlaw has a horse like that. She decides she's buddies with someone for a few weeks and then BOOM she's kicking the crap out of them!

We had to separate ALL of the horses in pairs because of it. She's with a mare that just stays away from her cause she doesn't really care.

It works.

Sometimes I think we just have to let them decide for themselves.

That's a nuisance when you have them nicely bonded and think everything is sweet and they do that! Poor Cloud. Did she get hurt or just given the bunny butt?
It was a proper full on fight, but thankfully I was standing right there so I took the brunt of it (have a couple of holes in my hand) and Cloud has some bald patches, but he will be ok.

Candyfloss is REALLY tempermental. She divorcd the Dopeys when Roger arrived (that referred aggression thing), and just now she divorced Cloud because we dared to clean his face. She is ok, but then she makes up her mind and there is no bringing her round. She is hypersensitive to others moods though (bunnies, that is), and so if they get nervous of her, she thinks there is something to be nervous of, and then gets worse.

On a positive note, Cloud and the Dopeys are doing great. They were so happily bonded before I added Candyfloss and made a quad. Right now they are sitting in a bundle together :D
Lucky you were there then. Outch rabbit bites - I haven'thad one yet but the idea alone scares me:(
I forgot that Cloud was a boy. One would have thought it was a match made in heaven. I am glad he's getting on with the Dopeys. There are two girls just like them in one of our pet shops and they have been there for several months. At this stage they are only going to sell them as a pair and no byers:(
Hope Candyfloss will find a friend soon! At least you have a variety of rabbits to choose from:biggrin2:
Awwww Poor Cloud! I'm glad he's ok and I am glad you are! I hate rabbit bites. They hurt like the dickens!
Do't be scared of bites. If you are scared of them you are more likely to invite them.

Cloud used to be incredibly vicious before he was neutered (to the point where he would bite, hang on and then hang from my hand), so in comparison, this was pretty much nothing.

Aw, as I write this I have just had three Cloud kisses, which is something he NEVER does. Aw, I just got some more too. Seems like this is the right thing for him.

I have a lovely picture that almost looks like the Dopeys are saying 'aw, you came home'. I'll post it in a bit.
Sorry they fell out :(
Poor Cloud.

That pictures is so cute! :)
First *hugs* it is pretty upseting when they seperate like that. I have been there. Look at Teresa she was fully bonded with Dallas. Connor joined and fine... Than the fights started. I hoped adding another would help. Nope Chibi stayed and she is alone.
That's such an adorable picture. He almost looks like one of them.
Hope your hand heals alright.:)
Just a quick update, Dopeys and Cloud are now happily bonded. Floss is doing ok by herself, but I do feel sorry for her. She is less enthusiastic about food but that might just be because she has no competition anymore (which was always a rough time for her and Cloud) but is still wolfing everything down, so I'm not too worried.
Ahh poor Floss. Maybe after a while by herself she may appreciate somebun's company more:)
She may indeed be, if that happens I will really have to do some shuffling and move her into my room, but I didn't adopt her for that so it's a huge pain that she is a pickle, but so be it.
Aww, I just saw this now! I'm sorry about the divorce- having experienced that myself I know it's not fun! :(

I'm glad that Cloud has bonded to the Dopeys though- that is SUCH a cute picture of them! :inlove:

That picture of the Dopey's and Cloud is adorable. Perhaps Cloud was giving you kisses as a thank you for putting him back with them ;).

I hope something can be worked out for Floss, but she sounds like a fussy little madam!


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