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May 4, 2011
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Over the last few years, general Q&A sites (like Yahoo Answers, WikiAnswers, etc) have become really big and, as you might imagine, they're filled with bad info about rabbit care and behaviour. Of course, people like you and me know to come here or to other rabbit-specific forums for our questions, but lots of people who don't know any better type their questions into Google and it's these general Q&A sites that pop up, often with really horrible advice.

I'm writing to encourage everyone who spends "too much" time online to get off Twitter (or whatever your guilty pleasure is) and start answering rabbit questions! This really is a great way to help all those poor buns whose problems just don't find their way to the online pet rabbit communities.

Personally, I'm working on WikiAnswers and I can tell you this site needs a lot of work, but I'm sure the other general Q&A sites do too, so take your pick!

If you're up for this task, I just want to suggest:

Confirm everything before you write it. We want to stop the spread of misinformation, after all! So, even if you think you're the expertiest rabbit expert out there, be humble for the sake of posterity and double-check your info.

Try to encourage users to do further research on the given topic at hand, and introduce them to the online rabbit resources you know of so that next time they have a question, they go to the right places for answers.

Well? What are you waiting for!? (Yuk yuk yuk...) Get hopping! :rabbithop

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