Rabbits angry and acting out!

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Retired Moderator
May 25, 2006
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Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Hubby and I are babysitting Izaty908's rabbit Olive for the summer.
Last night our bunns finally realized that there was another rabbit in the house!
Our rabbits are a bit spoiled...and Divas just to make things more interesting!
Olive is in our library and the lops are in the livingroom...but apparently she is still in THEIR space!

So on top of yanking my table cloth off the end table, munching down on my poor little calathea and dumping out my decorative grass all over the floor last night.
And to be honest our two youngest lops are in their terrible teens...so I thought it might have been them...
Daphne (our oldest, who def knows better!)was sitting on the end table this morning tossing all my bowls and rabbitdecorations onto the floor!:shock::grumpy:

So off he goes into his hutch for timeout...after about 30 minutes he seems to have settled down some so I let him back out for his morning run. I'm in the kitchen making breakfast and I hear one of the bunns in the livingroom thumping.

So I peek around the corner and there's Daphne up on the end table again...Darwin is thumping at him from his hutch (the tattletail).
I call Daphne and yell at him to get down, he stops, turns round, looks right at me, grabs my glass bowl dumps out the potpourri and tosses it onto the floor! :X

Who says lops are quiet and easy going? Sheesh!:rollseyes
Did I mention they were spoiled?


Oh wow! What angry buns you have right now XD I hope your buns settle down soon XD

Solara had a hissy fit when I seperated her and Sabriel for 3 days because I was unsure if I wanted to continue with the bonding, and she was biting me and trying to throw me and refusing to come by me (which she still refuses to be by me cause she wants to focus on her and Sabriel Dx)

Buns are so picky :p
It's so bad but at the same time so cute, lol. Well hopefully they won't keep acting like this for too long, your decorations might not last!
:rollseyeshas Daphne been getting tips from my Roxy?:) hubby brought a lounger chair for the garden and put it over Roxy's favourite 'scrape'. luckily son spotted a certain diva beginning to shred the fabric:X she doesnt like me putting the peg basket on their lawn either - pegs everywhere.

nice to know others have diva buns!
Lots of Diva bunns!

Daphne is in his hutch pouting now :biggrin:
I let Zoe out for run and locked him up...usually I feel guilty and then I'd let him back out...but for a change I let one of the younger boys, Guffy, out for a run and left Nafty in.

So now he is pouting and glaring at poor Guffs! :biggrin:

Tonight I'll let him back out for the last run of the night...and I am willing to put money on him going right back up on the table again.:rollseyes

Just FYI...I don't have any "nice"decorations anymore...mostly I just buy resin...they bounce better!:big wink:

Wow! what a big mess your lop bunnies did! I hope it will be better soon. They look nice when I came that day :biggrin2: Now they know Olive is in your library, they might plan a mission to invade the library lol :big wink: How's your bunnies and Olive doing? I hope they are doing fine and hope all your deco will "stay" put after a while lol :coolness:

Hubby's favrotie saying..."Rabbits never forgive, Rabbits never forget....They just get even!" :biggrin2:

I hope the flight was good!
Olive is fine! She has decided she loves Tony! lol
It is probably because he is a sucker for sad bunny face!;)

If he is in the library she jumps in her hay dish and sits therelooking so sad till he takes her out to cuddle!:biggrin2:

The only bunn I would worry about inavsion with is Zoe...she is the Grand Poobah of the livingroom bunnies and the only female! So even though they aren't bonded she would FLIP if she saw another female! lol She may be small...but make no mistakes...she OWNS this house! lol

The flight was good but.. urgh what do you expect with 13 hours of travel? back pain and jet lag! I am in Korea now, visiting friends and sight seeing! I can say 2 in 1 like coffee lol :p haven't arrived Malaysia yet.

Anyways, I like that quote so much!!;) it is so true!

Olive really like to sit on her litter box when she heard someone is coming, hoping to be picked up and take her out of her cage. She likes to move her head right and left when she is thinking to do something lol :biggrin2:

Zoe must be jealous now since she is the only queen in your living room, now she has an enemy on "the other side" lol (so cute!) :big wink:

Izaty ;)
Flash is one of them Diva bunnies..She gets mad at me and she wont kiss me or come to me for 2 or 3 days..She will poo in the corner and then look at me with that make me mad will ya look on her face..Then she will calm down but she can be a bi_ch at times....

She will even get mad if I pet one of the other bunnies first..She has to the first to get her morning treat and the first to get her morn pet.....( See I am a well trained slave) She is the queen of the house and she wont let you forget that

I love wabbits........I need more...

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