Rabbits and fireworks

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2013
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Today is the 4th..and for us here in the US that means a terrifying night for our animals of loud explosions..the dog and cats are set to curl on under the blankets and cuddle threw it.

but I was thinking yesterday....what about Titan..there is no way I can leave him outside during that when I refuse to leave the dog out!!

.we have deiced to bring the big dog crate in and cover him with a blanket in the living room..with water food and some straw...hope it will be enough for him.

What have you all done to help your buns threw the fire works?..suggestions or just comments would be great.

thank you ^_^
Mine are usually outdoor rabbits, and this week they were lucky enough to come indoors from the heat. We have two dog cages that we are using for them. I just set up the normal outdoor setup in the indoor cages (food/water bowls, hay, salt lick, litter box).
Ours are outside also, but too many to bring all in. When I hear fireworks start up I'll go outside and see how each is acting. Most don't have a problem since they're already use to the lawnmower, sirens and other loud noises. If any of them are getting upset (usually the younger ones) I'll bring them inside until the fireworks subside. We have rabbit carriers we can put them in, that hold cups for feed and water if necessary.
Ellie did really well with the fireworks. She wasn't even bothered. My dog on the other hand, was terrible. He paced around panting and crawled into my lap while I was sitting in a rocking chair, that was 60 lbs in the lap. Then finally after he couldn't get comfortable ON the couch, he got under the sheet that I keep on the couch for him. All we could see was a lump under the sheet and a tail sticking out.
We did have thunder on top of fireworks so it was difficult. Poor dog.

My cats don't care about fireworks. Clearly the rabbit doesn't care either! haha. Only the dog.
I had to give my dog a sedative bc she freaks out over fireworks and wont SHUT HER MOUTH!!! BARK BARK BARK BARK BARK!!! i was worried the fireworks would wake Liam up, but he did well. They went on until about 12am. Its illegal here to do mortars and roman candles...the big stuff...but they do it anyways. My husband is still on probation for another 2 years for shooting off fireworks in the backyard (this was before we got together). if he gets caught again he will pay a fine and all this other junk. Gracie was fine. She didnt care at all
My buns are indoor buns & this was our first Fourth of July together. They have an xpen inside. I just kept checking on them and they didn't seem to be bothered too much with the fireworks. I was going to turn the stereo or TV on if the fireworks got too bad hoping to diminish the firework noise if needed. Oh, they got some special treats for being so good last night. Hope everyone & their buns had a safe Fourth of July!
Jody is a trooper. This is his 9th 4th of July, and none of the noise bothers him. Actually, I don't think anything bothers him,
except maybe when I clean his hutch. But he's indoors in my home office. My beagle, on the other hand, is a 5-year-old
nervous wreck on the 4th and New Years Eve.
Titan did good!!...im not sure why I was worried hes not even afraid of the lawn mower ..or anything really, but i wanted to make sure!!. He slept in the dog's large kennel in the house with food water and straw..every time I checked on him he was sleeping..such a great fluff ball ^_^ ..not to mention the mother inlaw kept feeding him parsley threw the cage!.

cats did OK as long as they were on the bed with us..dog was fine as long as she was touching me, glad the night is over and hope everyone had it so smooth!
My neighborhood is very patriotic and nearly blows everything up on the 4th, but my two bunnies were really unfazed. They are indoor rabbits, and don't ever really seem to notice what's going on outside, however they do thump occasionally, but never for obvious reasons.
This Fourth was HORRIBLE for Dimi! Idiots across the street brought in illegal fireworks... M80's, rocket types, etc. It was was like WW3 with all doors and windows closed. Dimi is an indoor rabbit, but was whining and thumping.. terrified. Fire Marshall came by 3 times.. they would stop, then start again. Finally ended at 10:30 when fire marshalls were ready to call in police (DUH.. should've been done initially with ILLEGAL fireworks!). We had to take Dimi back in on our bed (her safe place), and just let her thump it out with lots of petting and love. I wonder if they have tranquilizers for rabbits?
napagirl - I like to tranquillize some people !!!!

I wonder if Rabbits hear different to Dogs, I think dogs can hear higher pitches ?

Well either way, here from October 20th we get Fireworks on and off for ages past New Year in the UK... does my head in..

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