Rabbit pee on carpet

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Aug 5, 2010
Reaction score
farmington, Minnesota, USA
I hope this is the right place to post this.

Minnie and maddie are free range in my room and Minnie pees on my carpet and I dont know how to get her to stop. She is spayed and most of the time she pees in her litter pan but sometimes she decides not to. How can I get her to pee in her litter pan all the time.

I also have a problem with Maddie. She has a lot of wet poops I think their the cecal poops and they get all over the carpetwherever she lays down. Is there a way to solve that problem? I feed them unlimited timothy hay, 4 cups of veggies every day, mostly dark leafy greens, and 1 cup of purina pellets. The veggies were introduced slowly.
How old are the girls?

I'm wondering if maybe there are simply too many options, and too much free space... perhaps they are bouncing around, marking the ENTIRE space as theirs :p

You may have to go back to an enclosed run area adjoining the pen until she gets good with the litter pan. A carpet covered in bunny pee is no good (50/50 vinegar water is how most folks clean this up..)

Is the carpet movable, like a rug?

Sounds like maybe she isn't getting enough fibre. I wonder if she is choosing to eat all her veg first, then maybe some hay? I would suggest cutting down the vegetables so that she is forced to eat some more hay.

What breed/size?
Maddie is around 8 years and Minnie is about 1.5 years.

I dont know how much they weigh but Maddie is a mini lop and Minnie is a mixed breed and is a little smaller than Maddie. They live together snd I give them a total of 4 cups of veggies so 2 cups each. Is that really too much? She doesnt really like hay but they eat their veggies in about an hour and they also eat their pellets in about an hour so the rest of the day they only have hay to eat.

The carpet is not a rug and is not movable.

I had them in an enclosed area for a while and she never peed out of her litter pan and then I made her cage bigger but the expansion on the cage had carpet and she like to pee in corners on carpet.
A cup of pellets sounds to me like you might be overdoing it, particularly if you're including lots of fresh veggies in their diet. My two rabbits are each about 4.5 lbs and each get 1/4 cup of pellets.
What kind of pellet are they on?
1 C pellets each? Or between them? Gus weighs 7.5 lbs. and he only gets 1/2 C pellets per day. I'd saycut back on her pellets (to 1/4 C) and odds are, the excess cecals will disappear.

As for the pee, how do you clean it up? Rabbits have an incredibly sensitive sense of smell. And they will pee where they've peed before.

Try a 50:50 vinegar and water solution to clean the pee spots. Or Nature's Miracle if that doesn't work. But I've found vinegar works really well and is MUCH cheaper.

Hope that helps!

I give them 1 cup total so they get 1/2 cup each butI will cut down on the pellets.
I clean up the pee with resolve carpet cleaner. She usully does not pee in the same spots, she will pee in random places each time.
Try to get the resolve pet stain. It is for pet stains and it will clean up the pee stain out of the carpet better. Also I use it myself.

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