Rabbit behaves like a "different" rabbit

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Oct 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hong Kong, , China
It is a very strange problem and here it goes (sorry for my bad English):

Last night our city has strong typhoon (not sure whether it is related), when my wife and I came back home, the rabbit behaved very strangely, its eyes seemed to be "fallen" (i.e. almost closed) while in the past he is very active. And he did nothing but seat at the cage. And he didn't eat or drink. I thought he was very thirsty just lose the ability to drink, and I was right because when I held the bottle above his mouth and he could drink it, but I need to push the ball for him because he seemed to forget how to use it. Then my wife got him a bowl of water, and he only drink using that bowl.

Then we take him to the vet this morning, both the vet and his assistants said he is very normal and nothing seemed wrong, they asked us to observe him for a day and feed him with the grass powders. And he seemed to get better when back home (at least his eyes are not as "fallen" as last night).

However, we feel like he is completely a different rabbit, he treats us like stranger, and didn't seemed to be interested at anything around him (while he is very curious in the past), he didn't eat grass or the food, didn't know how to use the bottle to drink (but he did drink if we give him a bowl of water). When we take him out of the cage, he didn't seem like to move and he looked at me like we are completely strangers and very frightened.

He is about one year old, boy and a lop ear rabbit. Any one has the same experience and what could be the cause? Thanks very much in advance!
I'm not sure, but I think he was scared & will slowly get better. The important thing, until that happens, is to make sure he eats ok. Is he eating any hay? And do you mean pellets or hay, when you write grass powder? Hay is in long stems, dried but looking like fresh cut from the ground/field by a farmer. Pellets are ground hay and other things that a rabbit needs. The are manufactured into little pieces. Rabbits need to eat both hay and pellets.
Is he pooping? If they have GI stasis or gas then that can cause them to be inactive and not eat well.
Hi LakeCondo, we did guess something scared him, but our windows are kept shut and there's no thunder or lightnings, so the strong wind outside shouldn't affect him, maybe the change of air pressure? But my wife and I feel so strange is that, he is like being scared by an alien, ghost or something, but there was no one home but the rabbit, we don't know and will never know what happened to him within the 2 hours.

Luckily now he becomes much better, he will eat hay and drink using bottle (though failed most of the time), and he seemed to recognize us and more friendly. :biggrin:

P.S. The grass powder is something to be mixed with water and feed the rabbit when he refuses to eat himself. And he did have hay and pellets.
Hi Bunnylova4eva, he can poop and can eat now, luckily :pray: We did plan to visit the vet again if he continues to have problem eating or drinking because the vet told us to take x-ray and do further checking if he didn't get better.
I can bet anything that the typhoon you guys had scared your rabbit, since the behavior you described happened after the typhoon.

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