Please pray for three of my babies...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys...I'm going to be taking Fiver, Trixie, and Sunny (the cat) to the vet. The buns on Wednesday, and Sunny's vet is closed for the holiday until Monday, so I haven't been able to schedule an appt for her yet, but I'll post to let ya'll know when hers is as soon as it's set.

Fiver's Issue:

A few days ago, Fiver got one of his toes caught in the wire mesh covering his ramp (I've since covered it with grass mats to prevent it from happening again). I've been watching him, and found him to be hopping around just fine. He just looked like he scared himself a little...but was otherwise okay. No blood, no flopping toe, no funny hopping.

Well last night, he was all stretched out, legs behind him, and I noticed his toe looked funny:


So, I'm going to have it checked. Like I said, no funny hopping, or less hopping and/or movement than no other indicators of a problem or of him being in any pain...but I want to be sure his little toe is okay.

Now, as far as Trixie:

While petting her the other day, I noticed that the crown on her head (space between her ears) feels funny, the skin's looser than usual. I've noticed little bumps, just two or three and the size of a freckle, on each ear, but I SWEAR that I'd asked Denise about them, and she said that she'd had them checked, too, and her vet said they were fine (forgive me, Denise, if my memory's faulty).

The only problem is, they've now changed. They used to just remain, unchanged...but now get a teeny bit scabby, then go away, and more form (only three at a time), so I'm going to get both things checked out to be SURE there's nothing wrong. No real indicators of a problem with her, either. She's eating fine, and everything else. She'll itch her ears every now and then, but no more than the other buns (which is the usual tickle-in-the-ear itch, nothing often, nothing abnormal), so it wasn't anything to take into consideration.

So, they're both going in on Wednesday. I wish it were sooner, but I just noticed these things Thanksgiving night (when they were closed), and called yesterday, and they were booked for Monday, and only one of the two bun-savvy vets were there (one on vacation), and she works Mon-Wed-Fri, so I had to wait until Wed when she could see them both.

So...pray for them, ok? I don't know what, if anything, can be done for Fiver's toe. It appears to be an absess...hope it's nothing huge, and is something that can be handled easily and with less pain than I worry about. I worry about that because I know I would've noticed had it been like that before I think it swelled recently. Please pray that nothing's horribly wrong with either of them, ok?

Thanks, guys...


P.S. I haven't had to take anyone to the vet for a year now, so I'm nervous. This isn't even mentioning that I found a lump on Sunny's (the kitty) neck the other day, and her vet isn't open until Monday for me to even be able to call. I've looked at her skin, and it was VERY itchy to her when I did. The skin is perfectly normally colored, not red or dark, and it feels pretty solid, so I think it might be just a bug bite...but should get checked. Pray, guys...I worry for the three poor sweeties with issues right now...

And...if anyone has any suggestions as far as any of the above mentioned things, PLEASE PLEASE chime in and let me know, ok? I could DEFINITELY use some reassurance...:?
Hey Rosie....we sure will be praying for your babies....sorry that I don't have anything practically helpful to offer. Please try not to worry too much....I know that's a LOT easier said than done! :pray:coming to you all from here in chilly PA....Grace and the gang
Thank you so much, guys...Mama's worried over here!

I hope they're all okay...I don't quite understand why this had to happen all at once, but thank goodness, we've got more than enough money to handle whatever comes up as a result...

Be praying, though...I hate thinking my babies aren't happy and healthy...:(
Thank you...I really appreciate it...they need all the prayers they can get. I hope it's small stuff, and nothing to worry about. I'm considering taking Hobbes in, too, to get them caught up on their shots...
good luck at the vet!
i'm sure they will be ok, and it will be great to have the vet say that and put your mind at ease!
Oh gosh...I've been feeling so horrible about this tonight...crying in poor Fiver's fur, and on Danny's shoulder. I feel so horribly guilty. At least with Trixie, it wasn't something that I directly did...but with Fiver's poor little toe...

I have to admit...when I put the ramp in, I worried for a moment about a toe getting stuck in that wire mesh...but then I thought, "Noo...I'm just being paranoid..." So I feel so awful...and so horribly guilty that my little baby boy has to go through this, just because Mama didn't listen to instinct.

I feel like such a horrible Mama, guys...:tears2:
*huggies* no you're not :( don't be sad and like i said in the pm, you'll make Fiver sad too :( are NOT, NOT, NOT a bad bunny was an ACCIDENT...and Fiver will be okay....please, PLEASE try not to be so hard on are such an awesome bunny mom, and we love how much you love all of your "zoo"...we're praying for everyone, and sending *BIG HUGS* to you, and lots of noserubs and love to the gang....take care and keep us posted....and remember, they know how much you love them, and that's the world to them!
Awww, Rosie, don't beat yourself up - it was nothing more than an accident. We all know that if there is a scrape these bunnies can get into, then they will. I am sure Fiver will be just fine. Trixie's problem sounds strange, but I am sure both she and Sunny will be OK. After all, they've got a great mommy looking out for them!

Thanks, guys...I do so much to try to make sure their environments are safe and sound...and then this kind of thing happens, and it shakes my foundation about stuff like this. Yes, that's true...if they can find trouble to get into, they most certainly will! Lol!!

Boy, I tell ya, I wish he wasn't so scared to jump down from that level. I might rethink changing his cage a little to accomodate not even HAVING a ramp in there. I don't want ANYTHING like this to happen again...:grumpy:

And for Trixie...I'm sure it'll be something small...I have high hopes for that little girl! She's so healthy and I know she'll be fine. :)
Thank you...that is a good idea...but he doesn't have a fear of going up...he has a fear of coming back down. And the space he's afraid to jump down is only about 5 inches in height, do not a lot would fit in that space. Little!
Bo is afraid of jumping down if he cannot see the "flooring" below well. I have grass mats to keep it soft and where he knows the floor is solid!
