Please Help Destructive Rabbit!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2013
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For the past 4-5 nights Lewis and Clark have been going ape at night annoying me to death! I haven't had a proper night sleep in DAYS! I'm beginning to have trouble paying attention in class and have almost drifted off a few times! What's wrong with them!? They have been so noisy and destructive! I know it isn't an exercise problem because I let Cark run around before I go to bed then I do the same thing to Lewis but every night(especially Lewis)they have been noisy and destructive! My voice hurts from yelling at them to shut up and my Dad says of they keep this up for another week they're going!(they're so loud my Dad can hear them from the next room over). I've given them toys,made sure they had food and water and that everything was peachy okay. However Lewis has been digging and scratching at his cage. Chewing the bars. Rattling his cage back and fourth and just being a little horror! Clark isn't so bad,I kinda think he's on my side because when it reaches the 5:30am point Clark will loudly start to smack his legs against the floor of his cage. I appreciate the effort but it's making me WAY to tired! I've moved Lewis's cage into my closet for tonight and he's been quiet so I think he know I'm mad at him. Will someone tell me how to permanently end his bad behavior!?
Spike has gone through this. I know exactly how you feel. I walked around like a zombie for weeks. I found a couple things helped. One was ignoring the behavoir. As soon as Spike saw he had woken me, he got worse. Now, if I don't pay attention to him when he gets like that, he gives up after a few moments. Really, I think he just wanted attention.
The other thing that helped was buying a timothy hay mat for him to demolish when he is feeling bratty. He will rip it to shreds some nights and I have had to replace it a few times, but it tires him out.
If Lewis is the one who is making the noise, could you just let him out of the cage? Whenever Ellie decides to throw her pellet dish against her water bowl, I just let her out.
BUT if you let him out when he acts like that, it could teach him to act bad to be let out.

Have you tried to give him a treat before bed? I usually give Ellie two blueberries before I go to bed and she does well at night.
My bunnies who have free roam of the house have their own play area in my back room to vent all their destructo-bunny rage. I never throw away cardboard boxes or junk mail any more. I pile them all up in a giant paper castle and let them have at it. Their level of destruction to the rest of the house has decreased significantly since they did this. Get them some more toys and destructable chewables in their cage.
Ours live in their own room, but some--especially Cosmo will toss his crocks around at night and make enough noise to wake the dead. I give him tubes and pieces of cardboard and he will be destructo bunny, but at least it's quiet.
No,I don't let Lewis free roam. I don't trust him enough(he thinks his litter box is something to be tipped over not used) and he'd jump off my bed. Plus that's when Clark becomes a problem. My Dad won't neuter Lewis so he runs around Clark's cage biting and scratching and in his "aggressive" stance. So Clark will become distressed and start slamming his feet against the ground. Sometimes I'll let Clark out though,and he'll sleep on my bed with me.
It could be an exercise issue. They may not be getting enough play time or enough mental stimulation while they are out. My two new buns started to be a noisy problem at night once they seemed to get used to their new home. As I was litter training them they were confined to a cage although a large one they could run and binky in. To stop the noise I made sure they had plenty of hay to get them through the night so they would be occupied with eating that and I also made sire they had something in the cage that they could chew or tear up. A phone book or part of one with the cover removed works well. Also cardboard. You can also put hay in toilet paper tubes for them.

How old is Lewis? You said he is unneutered so it could be his hormones kicking in especially since you have another bun. When Thumper was younger he was noisier at night just moving around. Now that he is older he settles in for the night only moving to eat or use his litter box.
I'm not sure...we adopted them from a local feed store.(yes feed store not a pets store like Petco or Petsmart). We got him about 2 months after I got Clark and Clark was a baby,like maybe 6 weeks? Got him in maybe somewhere around 6-8 months for Clark and and 4-5 for Lewis...

I put an old phone book in Lewis's cage last night and he went to TOWN on that poor book! However,I discovered that I cannot stand the sound of him tearing al of that paper to shreds! I'm such a light sleeper! It's a gift and a curse! I'm sure he gets enough exercise. He and his "brother"(my kitten)chase and play with each other before cuddling on my I'm not exactly sure if its the exercise problem...?
Ours live in their own room, but some--especially Cosmo will toss his crocks around at night and make enough noise to wake the dead. I give him tubes and pieces of cardboard and he will be destructo bunny, but at least it's quiet.

Cosmo was keeping me up most of the night while you guys were in Sturgis, when he out he wasn't noisy
Okay,I'm going to expiriment. I have let him run around the house to his hearts content before putting him in his pen with a phone book right before I went to bed. I'm hoping that will keep him satisfied and I will let you know in the morning if it works. If tomorrow morning I seem irate and and acting like a pouting child,just assume it didn't XD.