Pics of the babies

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Aug 29, 2007
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Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Okay, also is it just me or does it look like the one bunny should be more plump? The Black or grey bunny she is always moving close to her and covering it up so that one is almost always eating... she stays by it is it eating too much that one is the biggest one. On the other hand the other bunny doesn't move ofr fuss as much as the others and is alot skinnier.. What should I do about that.

But here they go....




Also if you guys notice she has actually took all her hair off the nest. and she urinated on the babies, so I had to switch the thing they were laying o. She is in her cage now putting more paper over them.. So so far so good except for the skinny one.

Also if bunnies have to be about 4 months to reproduce that means the person who dumped the bunnies on my sister was wrong about her being 1-2 months right?
yes they are rex.. They were just born yesterday. My sister neighbor has alzhiemers(sp?) and he told her to watchhis bunniesfor a few days, when he got back he swore up and he gave themto her so she had to rehome them, well this bunny didnt like no one but she wouldcome to me and let me hold her. So I brought her home not knowing she was pregnant and about 5 days after i got her she had three little babies.
One of the broken babies does look to be a little less plumper than the others, I can see what you are talking about.

The other two look very well fed, though.

I hope all the babies do well :)!
Danni728 wrote:
yes they are rex.. They were just born yesterday. My sister neighbor has alzhiemers(sp?) and he told her to watchhis bunniesfor a few days, when he got back he swore up and he gave themto her so she had to rehome them, well this bunny didnt like no one but she wouldcome to me and let me hold her. So I brought her home not knowing she was pregnant and about 5 days after i got her she had three little babies.

I think the little one is a peanut. He probably won't live more than another day or two. I'm sure there are threads about those here someplace.

Do you have a photo that shows his head a bit better? Does his little butt seem real narrow at the hips? and does his little head seem to have a little bulged like top?
A peanut is a baby that gets the dwarf gene twice...... normal babies get one of each gene.

Well, I just got home and checked them everything on him is shaped just like the others.. He has a real round belly now so I guess she just got done feeding them because I could barley tell which one the smaller on was so I guess that is good right?
Oh GOOD! Maybe he's just a little runt then! If he's eating that is a great sign! I think I've heard that peanuts don't nurse or something!
The smaller baby doesn't appear to be a peanut based on the pictures.

Here is a picture comparison from of a peanut next to a normal sized kit at about the same age your litter is.


The size difference is very obvious by day 2 or 3!!

If you are concerned about the runt, you could allow him to get an extra feeding in per day. Take the other babies out of the nest, place the doe in the nest, over the runt and gently hold her in place. Some does really don't like this- but it is worth a try.

I'm a little worried that you said the mom pee'd in the nest box. Make sure she is feeding them well over the next day or two. Mom's that are in 'super mommy' mode don't usually get their nest boxes dirty. It could just be because she's a first time mom. If you had to throw away all the fur she pulled, make sure the babies are staying warm enough now. Paper isn't nearly as insulating as rabbit fur!!

Glad to hear the litter is doing well. Please keep us updated.
Doesn't look like a peanut to me. The ears are too long.

As long as his belly gets full at least once a day, he should be fine. They digest their food quickly and their bellies will look empty. But as soon as they get a good nurse the belly should fill back up and look round and tight.

Mom may not be feeding them every time she goes in the nest. She might just be checking up on them and cleaning them.

I've seen a couple of peanuts that looked the same size, length but their little heads looked funny and their little butts were so narrow.

I'm glad that baby doesn't look to be one tho! They are all so precious! Danni - that dark one!!! :inlove:You live too close..... it's dangerous!

I would suggest that you force feed the baby. Breeders in Singapore use goats milk to force because the molecule is much smaller and is very high in protein compared to cows milk thus absorbing better.

Good luck! :)
We have kitten milk available to use. I used it for our wild baby bunny the first week I had her. Then I mixed some pellets and baby bananas in with it for a few weeks. She's a big girl now! :)
I would try feeding the baby on mom before hand feeding.

If the baby looks like it's tummy is never as full as the other ones, try the technique that Clarzoo suggested. Letting the little one have an extra feed once a day will make a world of difference if the only problem is not getting enough milk.

When you start hand feeding the babies, they loose interest in nursing off mom and don't drink as much of her milk. Mom will start producing less milk as the demand decreases. So as much as possible you want to encourage mom to nurse more so her milk production will increase.

Hand feeding should be a last ditch effort. As much as possible try to have mom do all the work. The babies will have the highest chance of survival.

Having said that, the babies look well fed and I wouldn't be concerned. As long as you see the bellies getting full at least once a day, I wouldn't be concerned.

aurora369 wrote:
Having said that, the babies look well fed and I wouldn't be concerned. As long as you see the bellies getting full at least once a day, I wouldn't be concerned.

I think we need to see more photos of them to confirm this as well, don't you?! :biggrin2:

Theyareall pretty plump now, so I don't see are reason to interfere...

HAha that you two live so close too, but when they are old enough I won't be able o care for four rabbits but if you all know of anyone close to me who would be interested in adopting one or two of them let me know as I am keeping one myself.

Here are some update pictures, not that great as I was in the middle of trying to clean out her house and had everything in one corner and somehow the babies were out of the nest box in the pile lol...(the nextbox is a litter box bt same height all around)



I had to move them out of the bunny house to clean it because it was really stinking. I used gloves so Ihope it wasnt a problem that I moved them but the cage is in my bedroom so I cant have it stinking... That was last night. The top picture is fromt oday and as you can see they are super fat.


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