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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2007
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Ottawa, Ontario Canada, Ontario, Canada
Does anyone have a phobia of something, Or somthing they are really scared of but can handle.

I have a few-

Spiders, They don't bug me much if they are on a wall. But if i see then anywhere else then its just icky.

Birds, My friend had this one bird and I loved it. That is until it got mad for some reason and bit my neck then sat on my shoulder and flapped his wings. Now im terrified of birds.

Thats pretty much it.
Crickets!!!!!!!!!!!! And i have a bearded dragon that had to eat crickets when she was a baby, that was hard, if one got out i sounded like i was being murdered,lol.

Big bugs like water bugs, roaches, i would so fail at Fear factor.

If i come across one of these creatures and i cant throw a shoe or boot at it to kill it, and the dogs or cats wont do anything, i will drown it in raid,lol.
One word - spiders. :tears2:

And dogs, any other form of insect/arachnid whatever, water, and people & pets dying.
lakes! i hate swimming in places where you can't see the bottom, but i can stand the ocean.

lakes just freak me out, and i absolutely refuse to touch the bottom, if you want me to swim drop me off in the middle
snakes i hate em and have taken freak outs over them before:?Can't watch them on the telly can't change the channel if they are on the telly (irrational i know)
Spiders - they really creep me out.

Clowns - YIKES! :scared:

Small places - I have nightmares!!!

Heights - I get nausious just going up to the 3rd level of a mall and looking down.

I have an intense fear of spiders. Can't do pictures, fake ones, talking about them, anything. I've passed out before or started hyperventilating because people wont take my fear seriously and think I'm just faking it to be cute.

I also have an intense fear of being abandoned. If in a public place with people, I will not leave their sight for a second. If I have to go to the bathroom, I either have someone come in with me or take the car keys off the driver so they can't get too far. It's really, really bad sometimes.

I'm actually getting quite better with both, mostly because people started leaving me alone with my fears instead of acting towards it to scare me.

Same as polly, snakes. They really freak me out, I will even squeal at book covers with them on. I can just about cope with pythons and boas, it's the thin snakes that move fast that really scare me.

When I went to Tenby with my boyfriend in the summer we went to an aquarium that had a huge snake collection, they got a boa out of the tank, must've been about 10 ft and I totally freaked out.

Funny thing was, they took it out for people to hold, and once I watched all the kiddies holding it they managed to convince me to have a go. I actually liked him! :p

Frogs & toads.

If I see a picture of one, I will freak. If I see a video of one, I will freak. If I see one in person....I cry, hyperventilate (sp?), nearly pass out, run.

I just freak. They are gross and just plain scary to me.
Spiders, being in a plane crash (and so flying), being stuck in small spaces and losing people I love.I am terrified of all of them, but the last one is definitely the worst.I am a natural worrier so am always worrying about anything happening to the people that I love.:?
Oh and I'm totally scared of seaweed.

Last summer I went to my uncle's camp trailor. There is a mini beach nearby so all 3 of my cousins and I went for a swim, Well one of my cousins picked up a peice of seaweed and chased me with it. I eventually stopped and told him if he touched me with it he would siriously have damage to him.

I can stand but I don't like being at a red light beside an 18-wheeler smaller trucks aren't as bad just 18-wheelers

sounds pathetic but im serious i really cant handle them no idea why they just really freak me out.
My biggest fears:

Sharks - to the point where I get scared in a chlorine pool if I think about it too long.

Claustrophobia - Can't handle when other people stand so close, we're touching shoulders. I start to sweat, and have been known to almost pass out.

Things being too tight around my neck - I start panicking on that, too. Can't handle wearing turtlenecks or chokers (or even collars or necklaces that are even the slightest bit touching my neck in the front) AT ALL.

Losing someone in a crowd (kinda akin to okiron's abandonment fear, and might just be the same darn thing) - Should've seen me on my way out of Disneyland on Christmas Eve...claustrophobia AND the fear of losing either Danny or Em in the crowd...that stunk.

Getting lost - I have to have exact directions written down for EVERYWHERE I go (telling me isn't good enough, either, because I panic trying to remember if the person said left or right), unless I'm EXTREMELY familiar with the area, and have been to the place at least four times. I have this horrible fear that I'm going to get lost and not be able to find my way back. Combine that with a HORRIBLE sense of direction, and I'm just paranoid! I've been known to call Danny NUMEROUS times in a PANIC, trying to figure out where I am and where I need to go. Just about every single time, I'm right down the block from my destination, but I get so turned around and panicked, I don't even realize it. Danny drives everywhere we go because of this rediculous phobia of mine.

Being electrocuted - pretty funny when you consider I'm married to an electrician.

Lightning - I cry during rainstorms when there's lightening. I think this one's related to the fear of electrocution.

Falling off the edge of a cliff - now this one's based on fact. When I was a toddler, I was in a camper with my family and my aunt and uncle, and my grandpa (who was driving) fell asleep at the wheel (we think there was a carbon monoxide leak)...and consequently drove off the cliff we were driving next to. My aunt covered me with her body, and suffered a broken neck and back (she had to wear a brace for at least a year, if not two), and my sisters suffered pretty good injuries as well. I had deep cuts up and down my legs. The whole thing obviously affected me for life, as I cry and PANIC whenever driving up a steep hill or next to any sort of drop. If I'm the one driving, I have to pull over and switch drivers with someone.

I think that's about it. :)
maherwoman wrote:
My biggest fears:

Sharks - to the point where I get scared in a chlorine pool if I think about it too long. LMAO Rosie I do the same darn thing in pools. Start thinking about sharks and alligators and things pulling me down.

Things being too tight around my neck - I start panicking on that, too. Can't handle wearing turtlenecks or chokers (or even collars or necklaces that are even the slightest bit touching my neck in the front) AT ALL. Same here >.< Actually...I can't even have loose necklaces on me.
I'm also afraid of strong gusts of wind (which I've explained to Danny about I think) and heights. You will never see me climb a ladder, even if it's a 3 foot one.