Pet Sitter

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Active Member
Apr 29, 2009
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Sammamish, Washington, USA
Does anyone know of a good reputable place to find a pet sitter? I've got awhile as our vacation isnt until mid-august but I want to be prepared as far as costs go (we'll be gone for 7 days). I'd like someone thats able to come into my home because I also have a cat I'll have to leave at home as well as the bunny. I've never had anyone stay in my home so its a little scary this time around, but I want someone that especially knows rabbits because that time of the year is going to get pretty hot so I want someone that knows the signs to look for and the ways to keep him cool, etc. The cat can pretty much take care of herself as long as you feed her lol.

Any ideas?
We have always gave our neighbor a key to the house and some money to watch the cats and bunnies. She would come in and ask us to explain everything that needs to be done before we leave and we'd also leave it in a note and leave a number if she needs to contact us in an emergency. A neighbor would be my best bet only if you trust them though of course.
My other issue is that I will be unreachable if they have questions. We are going camping at the ocean and there is no cell service up there. I assume I could leave the number to the vet if they had questions? I havent taken him in for a checkup yet, but will be within the next week or so and he will be neutered soon after that checkup. Hopefully he wont need the vet after that, but do you think they'd be willing to answer questions?
too bad you live far from me, cause im in washington too.I think you should write a good VERY deailed list to leave with them, and ifthey are good petsitters then they should be willing to answer questions.
Yeah, I was looking at some people off of pet sitters international but theres no way I could afford to pay $50-100 a day!! I posted an ad on craigslist and I'll see who emails me. I dont think I'll be able to find someone experienced with rabbits around here, but I mentioned in the ad that as long as they are willing to learn and pay attention to signs of illness and such that I dont mind. I will definitely be leaving a very detailed list for them. Any ideas to put on the list? I know its going to be hot so thats one thing Im worried about. We do have a portable a/c that I can leave in the room he is in as long as it isnt on constantly though I will probably move him out of the bedroom and into the living room since it gets hotter in here.
Not a good idea to get someone off craigslist there are a lot of untrustworthy people on there and I'd hate to hear you where robbed or that something happened to your bunny. I'd take that ad down right way!
You know, I've never used a pet sitter. However, I think I've found a good one through my Humane Society. Another one of the bunny caretaker volunteers is a pet sitter, so I think he'd be the person I'd call to take care of my guys. Maybe they know someone. Another option is to contact local nonprofit rescue groups like HRS chapters. They might do it for a donation to the rescue, or know good pet sitters.
I've gotten jobs off craigslist (nanny/babysitting and even my current daycare center job). Of course there are bad people but there are lots of good people to.. you cant let a couple bad people ruin it for everyone. And there may be someone home while we're gone but hes a little uhhh ignorant? I dunno the right word lol but he doesnt like animals much and doesnt pay close attention. My guinea pig died years ago cause I left it home with him! But someone will most likely be in the house.

I think its going to take awhile to find someone so Im glad I started now. I may just ask my neighbors kids to feed them and maybe play with the rabbit.. they are young though (only about 10 I think) but we'll see.

I had one person off CL tell me that rabbits cant overheat so dont worry about that lol.. sad part is, she used to own rabbits
I'm a petsitter(sorry I live to far away from you:() but I can answer any questions you might have about finding a good one.

For a general idea of rates this is some of my rates, and its about average for my area. 15$ per visit(1 hour in lenght), or 45$ for an over night(12hours over night, usually 8-10pm to 8-10am). For a cat and a rabbit, you'd only need 1 visit a day unless you really wanted to have someone spend the night, or your animals needed medication at certain times.

For finding a good professional petsitter, look in the yellow pages or online to see if they have websites. Look to see if they have experience, not only with petsitting but if they have taken any special courses(first aid,etc), volunteering or other job related experience. How long have they been pet sitting. Do they have client feedback. Ask if they do all type sof animals, as some dont' have much experience with animals other then cats and dogs. Check to see if they have forms/contracts(vet, client etc.) a good petsitter will have you fill out forms.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Thanks for the info! One big reason I want someone twice a day is because I want to know that if either animal gets sick, they will be noticed quickly rather than the next day. I guess I could be overly paranoid though

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