People Probably think we're crazy......

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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
and we may very well be..... but we have fun !!

When our kids were little, there were things they would say wrong and we got them to say right but eventually we all started saying them wrong for fun.

The guinea pig thread got me to thinking about what all we say and what people must think! Here ya go - A Bo B Bunny dictionary if you ever hear/see me say one of these just ignore me!

  • Ginky Pigs - Guinea Pigs - Lexi when she was young
  • Dogs! - hot dogs, sausages, - yes, Lexi again!
  • I can't like that - Luke when he didn't want to do something or didn't like something.
  • Evorperate - Evaporate - as in milk or water.... Lexi
  • Aminals - Animals - Lexi
  • Milt - Milk - My niece when she was little.
  • Shitten - Chicken - My niece when she was little - very embarassing for my mother LOL!
  • Litherds - Lizards - Luke as a young boy. He loved Litherds!

Probably crazy????:laugh:

We say dogs too.

A few more from childhood:

shockolat for chocolate

paradas for potatoes

burr for brother, that stuck for years and I still call Michael burr every now and then

rabids for rabbits - a foreshadowing of Dr. Frankenbunny?

my favorite, e. coli for broccoli. Doesn't it smell funky when cooked?

snake for steak
Yup, we had a bunch. These are the only ones I can think of right now.

Numi-nums- M&Ms
Gulk- Milk Asking for milk was Gulk peas, gulk!
Aminals- animals but we actually got that off of Tiny Toons

And the ever-popular RY-ANG-LAURA! Or LAUR-ANG-RYAN! That's what happens when one of us did something really bad and mom yelled out all our names together to get our attention before figuring out who did what. I was proud of always being in the middle of the word because that meant Mom thought I was never to blame, right?:biggrin2:
Probably crazy????:laugh:

Glad I'm not alone... :dancingorig:

I LOVE the e. coli! Too funny!

My niece said the funniest things when she was little. She told my Mom that she wanted "ShotACat" for Christmas one year... so we went through the "Show A Cat?" ..... no........ and a few others... when finally Mom asked her "Shock a cat?" and she very plainly rolled her eyes at Mom and said "OH SAMMAW! (Grandma!) If you SHock a cat, It kill it!!!" :shock:

She wanted the game "shark attack"...... :p So, of course when someone asks now, "What do you want for Christmas?" We allseem to reply "Shock a cat!" :Dor what my daughter said one year; "A zeebwa to ride and a wamma (llama) for my bedroom!" LOL!

I thought of a few we still use now and then but not as much as the first ones I listed:

  • NUGS - Chicken Nuggets - my son
  • NERBS - Nerves - as in "You are gettin' on my Nerbs!" - My son
  • Nards - Menards - My son
  • DIRD - Big Bird/Bird - My son
  • MuskaTEETERS - 3 Muskateers candy - My daughter
  • DODD - God "You know - Dodd! Like DEEdus (Jesus)" - My niece
and of course my personal contribution a couple of years ago...... "Rettabbits".....

Someone said something about my "retarded rabbit" - of course they were joking or they would be in huge trouble - and I said back "My Rettabbit!........ errrr rabbit, is not retarded!!!"..... ;)

I walked out of the grocery store the other day and after seeing an M& M's ad and thought:

My son at age 3ish:

M & M's- N eh m's


Those are the only ones I know of from him. He did pretty good.;)

Oh! I knew there was another one I was thinking of, my friend Heather, my son called her:


The only one I can think of right now is nail polish, my old daughter called it Pail Nolish.

One thing that my youngest did say that I still laugh about is when my sister in law was telling us that she was pregnant, she told my daughter that she had a baby in her tummy. My then 3 year old looked at her serious as anything and said " Did it squish in your mouth?" my sister in law looked at me like WTH, I said " if it's in your tummy you must have swallowed it right?" she was speechless, didn't really know where to go from there.
LOL! You guys crack me up!! :)

To this day, I still say 'nececelery' instead of 'necessarily' and Steve always corrects me- even though he knows I do it on purpose!

When I was younger, I couldn't say 'remote control', so we just used to call it a 'press buttons', and it stuck- I still call it a 'press buttons' even now! :embarrassed:All my family do as well!

I can't think of anything else, except there's a department store over here, called Debenhams, and my brother could never say it when he was younger, so he, and me and my mum always called it 'Debbydums', and sometimes still do! :)
mouse_chalk wrote:
I still say 'nececelery' instead of 'necessarily'
I always do that LOL


Burglalar instead of Burgular
Any some of my favorites from my kids:

  • Pullywhistles (instead of pussy willows)
  • The big hat fairy spider (instead of big fat hairy spider)
  • Ambliance (ambulance)
  • basghetti (spaghetti)
I kinda like nesecelery, I might start using that one:D
These are funny!

We say Pasketti for spaghetti!

and we call the remote the "clicker" cause Mom and Dad seemed to use that easier than "remote control" LOL!


Can you imagine what people think when they hear us saying "OHHHH Look at the ginky pigs!" or.... "Retabbits!" LOL!

I also baby-talk my horses and all the other animals. In my deep huggy lovey voice:

"Oooo Kota Bug, Bugger Boy, Bugs Bunnay horsie...... Mama luvvvvv you!"

I know, I'm a nut. LOL!
Oh, don't get me started on baby-talking the bunnies! Earlier, I picked up Barney, saying 'hello Barney-Barn-Barns! Who's a cuddly boy den?' and then the same with Chalk- 'hello lil Chalkie baby! Aww my cute little Chalkie-walkie!'
My mum just laughed at me lol.... :embarrassed:

I also sing at Mouse:
'Mouseickle! Mouseickle! I want to hug a Mouseickle, I want to hug a Mouse...'

in the style of 'Bicycle' by Queen LOL! Oh dear.... I need help! :?

OMG! Now, I'm going to be singing "BOBUNNY, BOBUNNY" like that LOL!

Yep - you're a nut too! LOL!

We're all a bunch of happy nuts huh? and easily amused!
My brother couldn't say Jessica when he was real little, so he called me Kuh-Kuh.

I think it was my Mom who started the fhh-fhh. She'd get all tongue tied when she'd try to get us to fast forward through commercials during recorded shows and we started making fun of her... before long none of ever said "fast forward" - it was simply fhh-fhh.

As a kid I loved going places with Grandpa. I'd always get excited if I'd see him head for the truck because I wanted to ride along to get a case of bread and a loaf of beer.
You mean maybe my problems with my big white rabbit is I call, "Oh Zeusy....I'm home!"???

Or that I call the puppy "Millie-kins"?

I used to be called "Puggy" by my younger cousin when she couldn't say my name right.

I'm not too bad at baby talk - unless its to a sick bunny....then I'm disgusting. Tiny was sometimes called "Bunny Boy" and New Hope was frequently called it. "Sweetie baby" is another one...and all sorts of stuff I can't remember now.

mouse_chalk wrote:
Oh, don't get me started on baby-talking the bunnies!

Oh Gosh, I go abit mad with the baby talking!

"Whos a sweetie bubba denn?"

"Where's my lickle Dipple?"

"Who's a cutie wutiee wutiee!"

And it goes on.. [and on]!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
These are funny!

We say Pasketti for spaghetti! I do that too...

and we call the remote the "clicker" cause Mom and Dad seemed to use that easier than "remote control" LOL! I call it that "thingamajig" or "where the h*ll is it now?"

The thing is - we rarely watch tv - so whenever I want the remote - it could've been a month or more since its been used (I watch a lot on the internet).

Which reminds me - I better go find the "clicker" before the debates on Friday night!

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