peeing rabbit

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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London, , United Kingdom
Hello everybody,

Here is Herbie, who is my new 3 month old bunny who is totally cute and very sweet personality but we have one problem... e just wants to pee on the sofas and beds.

In his cage he only pees in his litter box in one corner, however when i let him out he will pee at least one a day on the sofa. Very annoying as i want him to be out all day, but have to keep a constant eye on him to make sure he does nt jump on the sofa (also when he is about to pee, he does this naughty menacing face concentrating on what he is about to do!).

Why does he behave in his home, but not in mine??! He is not territorial and never growls or bites - but it has become a habit. I do do a firm NO, rub his nose a little bit and put him in his cage for 10 mins and then let him out again. It does nothing!! How can i stop this cycle?

Thank you ! :bunnydance:
I assume that Herbie is not neutered? When he is old enough for a neuter (in a month or so), his potty habits should improve greatly. Right now when he pees on the sofa and bed, he is essentially marking his "territory."
I agree wit Bunnydude. He will calm down once he has been done. My girl Sammy was exactly the same when i got her she was litter trained but would still jump on the sofa and do a wee (cheeky). She has not been spayed as yet as she is poorly (and therefore is unable to jump on the sofa - she has head tilt) but in her bedroom she is still pooing and doing the odd wee around her room - and still using the litter box too.
Thanks guys - i was hoping this would n't last forever! Rabbit pee does NOT smell good at the best of times and when my friends are round I am like "sorry about my rabbit house with poo and wee everywhere!....

thank you

ha ha yes thats exactly how i feel too - i found this really good cleaning fluid from Sainsburys. Its for cleaning hutches, cages etc but it can be used on carpets too it has a lovely lemon smell and gets rid of any stains/smells you can also use it very sparingly on your pet too (only their feet, body) - may be worth a try or white vinigar is supposed to work well too x
Thanks Cazarty - ill try that stuff in Sainsburys! Where do you live in the UK? How olds your bun - have you just got sammy?

White vinegar works *wonders* for getting rid of the smell, and is supposed to be a deterrent, too.

also, I'm finding that all that I've read about bunnies liking to pee on soft things is true, fixed or not. if I put Nibbles on my bed, she marks it, and she's a spayed adult. She's also done this to her digging blanket, and I've had to take it away from her for days at a time. She's figured things out with the blanket, but the bed is just too tempting, so she rarely gets to play there.

i recently read a message (archived on another list) re. rabbits peeing on the bed - from the rabbits' perspective. it helped me understand what they're thinking:

Why shouldn't my human(s) want my smell on the bed [couch, etc.]? it's wonderful!

and, to Nibbles, it *is* great. I laughed when i read that, and still do, whenever I think of it. That said, I'll still be making occasional, unplanned trips to the washing machine with bedding.... ;)
I live in Essex and sammy is now 5 months old a very lively little girl she is too. I only have her AT THE MOMENT as she lives indoors with us, has her own bedroom. I would like to get another but am worried that it may just be too much having two bunnies in a flat - but i am often thinking about getting a pal for her. We are hoping to move in the near future somewhere with a garden (she would of course still remain living indoors with us but if we have more room i definately want to get a least 1 more bunny. In my dreams i would like to live on a big farm with lots of bunnies and lots of other animals - i am a mad animal lover and would love it for my dream to become reality. ONEDAY X

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