Papaya Treats

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
Worcester, Ma USA
Hi guys!

Lately I've been experimenting with treats (very small amounts, of course) for my bun to have, so that in the future, I know what to give him. What types of fruits would be best to give him as treats? I heard papaya treats are great, especially for Lionhead rabbits because it helps with digestion in their systems.

Almost any food can be used as a treat. Since Bandit loves his pellets so much, and he only gets a 1/4 cup in the morning, I can use them as treats later in the day by giving a couple more. He absolutely LOVES craisins and will do anything to have one. Even a tiny, thin slice of carrot, or other small piece of fruit like banana or apple etc. I haven't tried papaya treats, but have heard they're good.
We give our rabbits papaya tablets during molting. Most of them eat it right up. We give craisins to our retired show bunny, now a pet, and he loves them. I just have to watch how many he gets.
I give Sophie Oxbow Papaya tablets, one per day. I don't know if it's making any difference with hair digestion but it can't hurt in my opinion and she goes crazy for it each morning:)
Silver goes crazy for his pellets, apples, applesauce, and banana. He loves crainsins, raisins, and his veggies and carrot as well too. Never tries the Oxbow papaya treats …

But I would probably order them from Oxbow's website, Amazon, or if there are any trusted pet stores near you, you an check there.