Pain meds for neuter?

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Jan 15, 2009
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Bunny (The name stuck, lol) finally has his teeth on a routine cutting schedule and his sniffles are gone completely. He's being scheduled for a neuter not this week, but the next.

Should I insist on pain meds if they don't send them home?
males recover quickly and neuters aren't very invasive compared to spays so they don't necessarily need pain meds, but it never hurts to have some on hand just in case he appears to be uncomfortable.
If it were my bunny, I would want pain meds for sure! I think after any surgery there'd be at least some degree of pain and its a good think to have.
I agree, boys recover quickly and don't always need them. But, it wouldn't hurt to have some on hand.
Yes to the pain meds! They are always good to have on hand. If not for the neuter for other things as well!

When Papaya was neutered I gave him metacam for about 4 days. If I had my "parts" taken out I would want pain meds! Both my bunnies love the taste of metacam and lick it up right from the syringe!

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