Our new little mini lop baby

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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2009
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Chesterton, In USA
Ok here are some pictures of our new little guy (hopefully). He's not the type to sit still so it was difficult. Can anyone guesstimate off his size in the pictures on how old he is? The woman said 5 weeks but she told me two different birthdays that either corrispond with 4 or 5 weeks. His ears all all flopped down though and I thought that didn't happen until they were about 3 months.

He seems to be eating and drinking ok though, he loves his hay. I have to replace it a couple times a day he eats so much of it. The breeder said not to give him so much hay, just a handful, or else he won't eat his pellets but I read that the bunnies have to always have hay so I make sure he has hay.

Here's the little boy checking out the yard:


Will you stop with the pictures already?:


Fine, I'm outta here than:


Here's his cage, it's a little bare we thought we had more time to prepare but he came home about 3 weeks early. We plan on getting him toys and a house and a hay rack too this weekend so his cage will be fuller. I just got the bare essentials when we picked him up.


Enjoying his pellets after a good play in the livingroom:


Oh my gosh, he is sooo cute! He's so itty bitty in that cage! I don't know how old he is, but I wish he were 8 weeks old since he could have certainly used the extra time with his mama and siblings. What is his story? I'm just wondering since you said he came home 3 weeks earlier than expected.
i feed my guys unlimited hay and dont have a problem with pellets, they also get veggies everyday too. I would defintely not limit the hay and give the bun as much hay as he wants to eat.

very cute bun by the way
well I responded to an ad for mini lops for sale, she told me she had some available in like 3 weeks (his litter) they were still weaning from mom. So I emailed her a few more times to ask questions, which she answered, than she told me it'd be either next weekend (the weekend coming up in a couple days) or the weekend following that they'd be ready. Well I than found her ad was changed she said they were ready now so I emailed her about it and she said he was ready to go so we set up a time to pick him up.

When I picked him up she said gave me a birthday and said he was 5 weeks than when I got home I emailed her and asked his birthday again and she said it was July 10th (we picked him up August 10th) so that would have made him a month old. I was told that their ears won't flop down until around 3 months though and his ears are down, I don't know how true that is though.

I didn't know until after he came home that they should stay with mom for awhile longer so we are quite nervous about him being ok. I've only had him out for about half an hour today so he could stretch a little and he seemed to enjoy flying around the living room.

Yeah we got the cage for real cheap, actually free, we traded some electronic parts we didn't need anymore for the cage and they gave us the waterbottle with it too so I washed it really good. It actually works quite well and DOESN'T leak (amazingly). The brown on the wires isn't rust either like some people think, that is the actual color of the wires.
He looks so much like my Kate that just went to the bridge, besides the black. She was a broken blue. She was super young also.
Your bunny is gorgeous! If you post the pic's in the Rabbitry section, they could help you better. They breed rabbits. :)Or if someone could move this thread for her. :biggrin2:
I had a similar thing happen to me. When I replied to an ad on craigslist I was told they were 6 wks old and then when I went to get them I learned they were only 4 wks old. They had gotten rid of the mother a week earlier so I took them anyway since staying wasn't going to be any better for them. I just made sure they had tons of hay and pellets and watched to be sure they were eating and drinking. They ended up being fine and are happy healthy 4 and a half month olds.
I know that he is young to be away from mama - but I got my Puck when he was only about 6 1/2 weeks old if I remember right. His mama had already weaned him and the only way I could get him was a flight where she was shipping other rabbits to other breeders (and they were experienced with baby bunnies).

The breeder said he was "mature for his age" and he sure was. At about 7 weeks of age - I think it was his first or second day after meeting Art - he stood in front of Art as Art was going to vacuum the floor and wouldn't let the machine move - in fact - he was ready to charge it.

My point? Yes - your baby is young...but if you're careful - there's a good chance he or she will be fine.

I would mainly focus on hay and pellets for the next couple of week without any extra "treats" and you may want to have some benebac/probios on hand along with some baby gas meds...just in case there are any problems with an upset tummy. The benebac will help keep the gut going right and the gas meds will help if he/she does get gas.

Here's my Puck a bit older than that...(but not much older)..


I just got our little lop last week, I was told at the pet store that she was 10 weeks and that she would be 16 weeks on October 1st, I checked it out and she is actually 8 weeks. She is doing great, but I noticed your little ones ears are lopped already, Cinderellas are just starting but having dropped down completely yet. I wonder if your little one is really older than she said either time.
He is soooooooo cute!!! I love mini lops!
OMG he is so cute I want to come steal him. My next bunny will be a mini lop, I think they are just so darn cute!!
Thank you! He is still doing well, eating and drinking quite well. Well we loves his hay so he mainly eats hay but we're trying to get him eating a little more pellets. I went out and got him a few toys today but he's really not sure what to make of them yet.

when I let him out to play he loves to just run nonstop. He'll start running and won't stop. So far I love him a lot if I pick him up he'll just snuggle into me but if I put him down he's a little speed demon.
he is super good, glad to hear hes doing well! and some bunnies ears lop earlier than others. some lops never have thier ears fall all the way.
he does look young though, we used to get bunnies to young at the pet store and wed just keep stress levels down as much as possible, give vitamins, and all they can eat hay and they did fine
He is really adorable. I second what Peg said about some Bene-Bac or Probios so that he has good GI flora, since he didn't have as much time with his mom as he should have. Bene-Bac is found at big box pet stores, in the small animal or dog/cat section, and Probios is made for horses and found at feed stores.

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