Our adopted bunnies

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Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
Ballarat, , Australia
Hi everyone!

I originally joined this forum for info on dealing with my terribly unsociable bun Tinky. However due to Tinky's sudden passing over a week ago, I never got to post enough about her...

Tinky's death however was not in vain! We rescued two rabbits to help us deal with the loss of our Tinky Bun.

We picked Butterfly online (or rather, my partner did and I said "OK but I want TINKY not some other rabbit") and drove down to the RSPCA in Melbourne to collect her. However, once we got there we saw that she had bonded with another black and white rabbit and we felt bad to separate them! So we ended up coming home with both bunnies. Butterfly (the smaller lop-eared bun) and Pendelbury (the big cute boofhead). Butterfly is 1 year old and Pendles is 2 years.


Butterfly was a stray, and apparently they found her in a pretty bad way. They've got no idea of their background. I get the feeling Pendles either escaped from a family that never came to get him, or he was handed over by his last family.

We only got them two days ago, so they're still quite uncomfortable with us. We let them explore small parts of the house with supervision, and they love exploring. They've briefly met the resident puss cat, who is terrified of them and is temporarily living in the opposite end of the house!

What are some good things to do with adopted buns?

I feel like they're less interested in us because they have each other... They're not big on treats so I'm not sure how to win them over! I try to give them space while at the same time handling them so they get used to us. They aren't responding well to my singing yet either...

They are just so adorable! I want them to love us like we love them!
Congratulations! With Willard, who is our rescue, we had no idea of his background either. We took it real slow with him. Talk to them in a soft voice. Show them your hands so they aren't afraid. I know with bonded bunnies they rely on each other so it will take you a bit of time to get them to rely on you too.

Time and patience is the key. They will learn to trust you once they become more comfortable in their surroundings. After all, like you stated, you don't know their background and they have had to rely on each other to get through the days.

And the treats will come in time. They just aren't sure yet about treats.

They are sweet! Look like bookends. You are doing all you can with what you posted. Just stay steady, continuous and consistent in all you do. They will definitely come around because you truly love your bunnies.

Look forward to hearing more and definitely seeing more pics!

Thanks! I am so excited about them, I keep getting distracted from life in general and wander off to talk to them.

Should I keep trying to pick them up, even just once a day? Or is that something to work up to? Our last rabbit seemed to benefit from lots of touching, but that was because she had literally lacked touching, and prior to living with us, lived in a small hutch all by herself.
Work up to it. Let them know your touch first. Give them the "bunny stroke", you know from nose to tail. Let them enjoy your touch before you pick them up. It works wonders because you do need to handle them.

With any new bunny that has an unknown background, time and patience are most valuable. Let them come to you--all bunnies are nosy, so it will happen. We also use bribery--small treats, herbs, etc.

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