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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
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Bubville, , USA
My first teacher and her husband have been like family for 10 years. He died today, and I'm going to miss him so much.

Please pray for them...and also for me, as I nowmay have abig decision to make in the next few weeksormonths(because of this). Can't say much now, butit would bea lot of responsibility and I'm kind of scared.


Oh, Rose. :( I'm so, so sorry, Dear Heart.

How devastating.

I don't know what to say other than hold off making any big decisionsat this point or until you are able. Your friend would want the bestfor you as you have your whole life ahead of you and you're smart andbeautiful. Whatever you decide, we're behind you.

The tears you cry are healing.

We're here for you as much as we're able, Rose.

Thank you both. My teacher says she is holding up ok, and asked me to play for the funeral on Friday.

I expectI'll be helping out in the violin shop a lot afterthings quiet down....she's running it alone now. I'vehad therun ofthe shopfor ten years, and she trusts me.

I've been preparing to make this decision for several years, ever sinceMr. R got sick, and I still don't feel ready. But if I'm guessingright....it won't wait. We'll see. At least I've had time to consider.I'm thankful for that, and that it's not unexpected.

Sorryfor your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and thefamily.


Im so sorry for your loss my prayers go out to you and his family.

If I may post a story that may or may not help. I did this once but for some reason it didn't show up ..

I had a friend I met him as a waitress he was someone I trained in mystore he and I got to know eachother and became such good friends wewere inseperable. We just did everything together he was aremarkable person so full of life so happy and just so easy to talkto he always saw people for what was good in them rather thenwhat was bad in them.

He was offered more money at another place so he left but we still keptin touch he met someone there and well you know how things go peopleget real involved in their sweeties that you just dont see them as muchanymore but I would go over to where he worked and eat just to spendsome time with him and we called as much as possible kinda tuff withour work schedules.

I happened into his job one day and he wasn't there I asked the Managerwhere he was and he told me he no longer was working there.He moved from where he was and no forwarding phone number so I was at aloss couldn't get a hold of him or anything.

I guess about 3yrs passed by and my sister called me one day, she usedto work for Vital Registration for the County, she asked me what hisbirth name was so I told her and she then told me that his deathcertificate has just passed her desk.

I cried so much I think I cried for 2 days straight I was sosad. I asked her what happened she said he died fromMalnutrition and Pneumonia do to AIDS she said it described him asbeing alone at time of death. Well if you knew him he wasn'tthe alone type of person he was always around people that cared for him.

After I got over being sad and shocked I got angry I was so mad at himfor not telling me for not letting me help him All I could think aboutwas how good of friends "I" thought we were and how I felt somewhatbetrayed by him not telling me so I could help.

After the anger I started to accept and I started tounderstand. The week that I was so shocked by everything andthinking about him over and over and over again and the things we usedto do together I then thought... WOW as much as I would have loved tobeen there to help him get thru his tuff time and struggles before heleft this earth I have no memories not a single one of him beingsick. They are all of how much fun we had and the laughter weshared and the good times. I could never look back on him andme and remember nothing but that between us.

I thank the Lord everytime I think about him for giving me such awonderful person to touch my life and my heart the way he did its been14 yrs since his death and he is still so very much alive in spirit itwas just time for his body to rest.

Anyway I just wanted to share that and I hope it helps if not Im glad I shared this with you all

Thanks for all your sympathy and support!

Mr. and Mrs. R. were some of the best influences in my life. I rememberleaning on the counter talking about life and violins as Mrs. R perchedon her stool and Mr. R. worked in the back room workshop. I rememberMr. R. grinning as he said "I think I've seen you before!". Giving mebusiness advice and talking about God and family and, of course,violins!

I'll always remember the sharp smell of cleaners as I cleaned violinsin the front room while Mrs. R buzzed around doing a million things atone. My senior recitalwhen Mrs. R was the first one runningup to the stage with flowers. (She's got my picture on her wall.)Mr. R.telling me how many squeaky students he's heard over the years....

The little shop has been a big part of my life, and they had one of thebest marriages I've ever seen. They were really one with each other

So in loving tribute to Mr. R., and prayers for his wife....my beloved friends.

Im so sorry. :(Iknow exactly how you feel, two weeks ago my best friends 20 year oldbrother died in a devastating caraccident.:(Tragic