Ornage pee?

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Feb 1, 2011
Reaction score
brantford, Ontario, Canada
Hi there, to all. We have recently adopted 2 newzealand whites. We already have a female cali. Anyway we have been giving our calli a good mix of pellets hay (alphalfa) and kitchen scraps. Such as lettuce spinnach and carrots. Anyway like I said we adopted the 2 new zealands both a little over a year old. We gave them a carrot. the doe wouldnt touch it. The buck ate his 2 days ago and he is peeing a orange redish tinge. Is it just the carrot or is this somthing I should look into further. They are so very friendly id hate to see anything bad happen to them.
Rabbit pee is not a consistent color. It can range from white to dark orange. If it's the consistency of toothpaste (which would indicate bladder sludge) or it has blood in it, then a vet visit would be in order. But it is not unusual for rabbit pee to be orange.
Orange is pretty normal. The carotenoids in the foods they ear can affect the color of their urine. Bloody urine will have distinct spots of blood in it, rather than a tinge throughout. Chances are he's fine, but also keep in mind that carrots are pretty sugary and are better as a special treat than a regular part of the diet.
tfb4me wrote:
Hi there, to all. We have recently adopted 2 newzealand whites. We already have a female cali. Anyway we have been giving our calli a good mix of pellets hay (alphalfa) and kitchen scraps. Such as lettuce spinnach and carrots. Anyway like I said we adopted the 2 new zealands both a little over a year old. We gave them a carrot. the doe wouldnt touch it. The buck ate his 2 days ago and he is peeing a orange redish tinge. Is it just the carrot or is this somthing I should look into further. They are so very friendly id hate to see anything bad happen to them.
we are what we eat,-or so it seems.--timothy/orchard grasses-hay-should make up 70% of the diet--plus a small amount ofquality lowfat pellets daily-with lots of water makes anything else just a treat--good job with the poop box,-rabbits are strictly herbivors--i like to feed treats of yard plants,and some purchased.--sincerely james waller--i am sorry-yes it is the carrot--here is a link to lots of info http://www.medirabbit.com
james waller wrote:
tfb4me wrote:
Hi there, to all. We have recently adopted 2 newzealand whites. We already have a female cali. Anyway we have been giving our calli a good mix of pellets hay (alphalfa) and kitchen scraps. Such as lettuce spinnach and carrots. Anyway like I said we adopted the 2 new zealands both a little over a year old. We gave them a carrot. the doe wouldnt touch it. The buck ate his 2 days ago and he is peeing a orange redish tinge. Is it just the carrot or is this somthing I should look into further. They are so very friendly id hate to see anything bad happen to them.
we are what we eat,-or so it seems.--timothy/orchard grasses-hay-should make up 70% of the diet--plus a small amount ofquality lowfat pellets daily-with lots of water makes anything else just a treat--good job with the poop box,-rabbits are strictly herbivors--i like to feed treats of yard plants,and some purchased.--sincerely james waller--i am sorry-yes it is the carrot--here is a link to lots of info http://www.medirabbit.com

Im sorry you lost me at poop box...lol. Anyway thanks to all for theadvise. I will continue to monnitor and no more carrots for him..yikes
Oh just to clairifiy we do not feed kitchen scraps as part of daily diet.. only when we have some. They will mostly feed on about 6oz's of pellets twice daily with the hay. Then they only get fed if they come to the feeders when im there. this way I can tell if thier hungry or not. Seems to work good for the cali but we will see..
Even veggies that are good for them can affect the color of their pee. Leafy greens have a lot of red, orange and yellow carotenoids in them as well so color-changing pee isn't necessarily a sign of a problem.
A little carrot now and then is fine. :)

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