OK Can someone set us straight?

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Bunny Mum

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Jan Juc, , Australia
My husband are I are arguing about toilet training our 12 week old babies. He seems to think they will learn from their parents who all co-exist BUT i seem to think they need to be individually toilet trained like their parents were. At present the baby buns are pooing and weeing as they wish, some worse than others.:shock2:
I have had some litters that toilet trained themselves thanks to mama showing them (the mama was really really good about using a litter box). I've also had many many others that trained themselves on their own once they were away from mama.

I had a 9 week old that used to pull his litterbox to the door of his cage when he wanted it cleaned (just about every other day)...and he was separated from mama at about 7 weeks of age.

lol, That's REALLY cute Peg.

Bunny Mum, like Peg says, I think it depends on the rabbits. We currently have a litter of 7 and they seem to have learnt from mum and also from strategic placing of the litter trays where they should go, and generally do.

But we also had a few rabbits in previous litters that we had to train ourselves.

Maybe it's worth training them yourselves to make sure that they are trained successfully, if you leave it to mum and dad, they might end up partially trained.
I've always wanted to watch a older rabbit train a young bun how to use a box!!:D We trained our bunsare selves.

[align=center]Traning Buns that have free run[/align]
What you do is give them less room to themselves. This will make it easyer toto findwhat placethere going the most often (look for pee, poop just gets thrown everyware). Rabbits tend to pick out a couple places that they like to go. once you find the places put a litter box on the spot. (you may end up wth 6-7 boxes, we had 6).Ifthere isn't room for a box put something tall over the spot. pick up any stray poops and put them in the box. this will give them the idea.

That's all i know, but it worked for our buns. Hope I was some help,

I think it depends on the rabbit too.

Milly was ok around his cage but started using my sofa as a toilet and I had to put a litter box on there. Where Hope was very clean as soon as I brought her home. She has'nt had one accident were wee is concerned but poops she is'nt as good at yet.
Thanks everyone.

That all makes sense. I think we should put out more litter boxes at the moment theylove the rug!! Eating it, pooping on it and the occasional wee!! The things we put up with for the love of bunnies.

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