Oh my word!

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I don't understand....

Once I miss took a plastic bag for a cat laying in the road, but I had had a few at that point...


My bun Natasha and Lavendar used to high jack the dog food all the time. We had to ban them from the kitchen because they'd hop in there, bite the dog, and steal her food. We knew it couldn't be good for them, but they LOOOOOOOOVED it.

Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
Maybe the cat unsure if it's a cat or rabbit. Like this Cat.
That is actually caused by a fairly common birth defect in cats. That is where the urban legend of the "cabbit", the half cat, half rabbit came from.
LedaHartwood wrote:

My bun Natasha and Lavendar used to high jack the dog food all the time. We had to ban them from the kitchen because they'd hop in there, bite the dog, and steal her food. We knew it couldn't be good for them, but they LOOOOOOOOVED it.
Hmm... well I guess some rabbits will eat dog food then. My kitten will eat rabbit pellets and hay if he gets the chance. Generally speaking though, I don't think it's likely that a rabbit would eat dog food or tuna.
Happi Bun wrote:
LedaHartwood wrote:

My bun Natasha and Lavendar used to high jack the dog food all the time. We had to ban them from the kitchen because they'd hop in there, bite the dog, and steal her food. We knew it couldn't be good for them, but they LOOOOOOOOVED it.
Hmm... well I guess some rabbits will eat dog food then. My kitten will eat rabbit pellets and hay if he gets the chance. Generally speaking though, I don't think it's likely that a rabbit would eat dog food or tuna.
Not true. My friend's two rabbits both love dog food, and snag a bite whenever they can. I was also talking to someone that bought some of my rabbit toys on Ebay, she said her rabbit will steal the cat food if he can.
Happi Bun wrote:
I don't think it's likely that a rabbit would eat dog food or tuna.
Does cat food count? Archie is obsessed with cat food. We have to move it before we let him out, and sometimes if the bag is in the kitchen he tries to crawl in it.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny
Yofi would tear off three of my fingers just to get a bite of my dog's food. Both he and Anna love dog food (cat food too, for that matter). I have to keep Yofi away from the dog dish when it's dinner time or he'll dive right in (Anna never goes out into the kitchen because it isn't carpeted, so I don't have to worry about her). If it's bite-sized and has the word "FUD" somewhere near it, Yofi will snarf it down.

And yeah, that ad is definitely someone's idea of a joke....;)
Well I'm stunned that so many of you thing it is funny and a joke. I don't appreciate that you basically are making fun of me for posting this.

They haven't replied but I do think it is real. At least I believe it and am trying to stop it.

I am sorry if this post sounds rude but I am just stating my clear opinion.

BSAR....people post "joke ads" to get into "The Best of Craigslist" all the time. Haven't you ever read that section on Craigslist? It is hilarious!

I doubt anyone was making fun of you. An ad like this one is a very obvious joke. Believe what you wish, though! I don't think the person posting the ad could possibly be dumb enough to believe their cat is some fake breed of rabbit.
BSAR wrote:
Well I'm stunned that so many of you thing it is funny and a joke. I don't appreciate that you basically are making fun of me for posting this.

They haven't replied but I do think it is real. At least I believe it and am trying to stop it.

I am sorry if this post sounds rude but I am just stating my clear opinion.
What hasanyone said that would make you think they were making fun of you? I think you're being a little overly sensitive.
i think its all just a big joke someone messing about as ive read that dog food can cause kidney? or liver? damage in rabbits if eaten regular.

dont get defensive hun people are just havinga laugh they arent trying to makeyou feel silly, stupid or trying to embarass you anyone could have taken that ad seriouslyandi do respect you that you tried to act on it as it didnt sound like a very good home for a rabbit infacta rather worrying one! :p

It makes me think that people are making fun because I came on here and posted a very serious thread at the time and everyone just laughed and said it was a joke and all. :(

I have never heard of nor seen the "best of craigslist".
BSAR wrote:
It makes me think that people are making fun because I came on here and posted a very serious thread at the time and everyone just laughed and said it was a joke and all. :(

I have never heard of nor seen the "best of craigslist".

Sorry, but not a single person was making fun of you. When I first read this thread, I didn't see how it was serious, especially as every one was getting a kick out of the joke in the ad.

When you post a "joke" in a thread, people aren't going to be serious :p. I just don't see how some may have seen the ad as a serious thing, as it was obviously a definite joke??
it was obviously a definite joke??

Not really obvous. The person could really have a rabbit that she feeds dog food. And could have put that cat picture up by accident, it happens all the time, it has to me on craigslist. And they could be serious about the price.

No one knows unless they investigate it, which is what I was doing, I wanted to see if it was true, and the person didn't reply, I am assuming it could be true, but I am not saying "it is 100% FOR SURE it HAS to be a joke."
If some think it was serious, fine. If others think it was a joke, fine. Well, agree to disagree :). If the person didn't respond back to you, no sense in dwelling on it.

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