Odd behaviour

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
Reaction score
West Midlands, , United Kingdom
Hi everyone. Starsky is doing something odd at the moment - well, it's odd for him anyways!

He is scratching the side panel of the cage and then licking it. I'd just like to know if this is normal and/or whether he is trying to tell me something. I thought maybe he's telling me that he wants to dig,anyone got any ideas? Or maybe he's telling me he wants to escape?!
Tulla does that. She just wants out. I guess she knows that if she does it long enough it will get on my nerves and I will let her out. Sad part is, it is true!
whenever I put Wash back into his cage he goes through his cage and licks EVERYTHING, the bars, the edge of his litter box, all of his toys etc. I think maybe it's just a clean up after yourself thing that rabbits do.
So Starsky isn't odd after all, well not when it comes to licking at least. He's probably real mad at me for not understanding him though - note to self,crash course in bunny language required!
My rabbit does this with her cage, she bites the bars and then licks them. It is a "let me out" thing. I am not sure why she licks the bars, maybe she is only halfhearted about getting out?:zzzzz
