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Jan 15, 2008
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I'm having a really hard time finding some NZW's.

I live in way northwest California/ Southwest Oregon.

My daughter will be doing Rabbits as one of her 4H projects this year.

TinysMom wrote:
Here is a link to a list of breeders that are members of the National New Zealand Breeder's club.

Hope that helps - and welcome to the forum!


Thank you but I have already tried their. The closest one to me going south is Jacks and he is not into Rabbits anymore. Also I have checked in the only site I found going north (Lots of Rabbits) or was it (lots of Bunnies) I'm just not finding anything within 120 miles north or south of me.

Have you tried posting a wanted notice in all the local feed stores? Alot of people have them, just don't advertise.Even place an ad in the paper, or alot of cities have online classifieds you could peruse or place an ad. I also own a local Yahoo group that has a local branch in almost every major city. It is known as Freecycle.

I allow people to ask for info on people with livestock, the key is your asking for INFO, your not actually asking to PURCHASE through Freecycle, what you do with that FREE info after that is entirely up to you. Do check with the rules of the individual group leader.

I would also check Yahoo groups to see if any breeders are local to you.

Personally, I have gone to Ohio, from Texas, to get good 4-H stock for my kids.. so 120 miles is the norm in these parts, but I can understand where it would be a stretch with gas being so high these days.

I hope I have been helpful..

I am bumping this to see how the search is going.....and wishing you luck at it.

Does it have to be NZW'S? Can she do Californians, Champagne d'Argents, I think there's even a Creme D'Argent breeder out in Oregon that I've heard of. How about Florida Whites?

Well we never did find any NZW's closer than 300 miles, but we did find a nice trio of White Satins a couple of days ago and bought them. This is my daughter first experiance with rabbits (shes almost 15) anyway one of the does is kind of grumpy I guess you might call it and when my daughter reached in the cage she (the doe) made some almost growling sounds at her so I took the doe out of the cage for her and set it on her lap and she was fine. Then when it came time to put her back in the cage---well ah I guess you could say my daughter got her first feel of bunny claws all up her arm and hands. Live and learn I guess. The other doe is pretty sweet. Tomorrow we will see how the buck is to handle. I think we will be looking for one more rabbit for her showmanship rabbit, not sure what breed yet. The daughter thinks the tiny bunnys are cute but she dosent know if she wants to go that route. With her poultry she uses a large hen or sometimes even a rooster and it seems the judges like it when they she a kid handle a large bird without any problems. Seems the same when she shows in dairy, the kids with the older cows seem to place over the calfs.


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