Not pooping!!!

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I had some metacam left over but it said on the pack it had to be used within 14 days so I threw it out. I may be able to go to the vet tomorrow if it isn't closed for the new year. Online I found that Pet Warehouse has dog probiotic, will it cost more from the vet? That vet visit wiped me out :sigh: Do I need to make an appointment? Coz Im not sure I can afford another $50 on top of the medication

It is fairly difficult getting the critical care in to her. She is resisting more every time I try. But she is eating her veggies quite well. She has weed a lot today to, is that ok? My boyfriend said she ate some pellets but I'm not so sure. Until I see it with my own eyes I won't celebrate.

Can I feed her too many veggies right now? I dont want to give her an upset tummy, I just want her to eat more
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Is there anything I can do to make her swallow? She is just holding her mouth still when I syringe it, she isn't licking or moving her tongue at all and it's just coming out the sides of her mouth :(
When you squirt a little in, doesn't she start chewing it up and swallowing when you pull the syringe out. That's how I did it with mine. I would do a little squirt, then let him chew it and swallow. I wouldn't think that the veggies would be a problem as long as you are giving her ones that she is used to. Is she eating hay at all. My bun that had stasis, started eating leafy greens first, then he would start nibbling on his hay, he started eating pellets last.

I've had my metacam for months! You do want to keep it refrigerated, but it should keep fine for a while. You shouldn't have to pay for a visit again. I would just call them up and say you had your rabbit in and feel like you need to be giving her metacam and probiotics as well, and ask if you can come pick some up. Make sure they give you the metacam in a liquid suspension and not tablets. It's usually easier to syringe feed it than to get them to eat a tablet.

The peeing might be just cause she's getting plenty of liquids. Is she drinking on her own then?

I'm really glad you were able to get her into a vet and get her taken care of. It's hard when they are sick, but hopefully she'll be back to normal soon.
No, she starts chewing sometimes, she always did when I had to give her metacam and when I first started feeding her oxbow. But the more I do it the less she chews and swallows. She doesn't really chew until I put her down which makes it a really lengthy process when I can give her a small squirt then have to put her down and then bundle her up again and squirt in some more. She doesn't let me wrap her up very easily and its tough keeping her still.

Unfortunately she has never been a fan of hay. She has a box of it in her room but she doesn't touch it much. Im trying to find some really good quality hay as Im not sure of how good the stuff I can get from the pet shop is. But I live in the middle of the city so not a lot of options. I have organised with my mum to get some from a farm, I just need time to drive out to get it. So she isn't eating hay, but she has never eaten it much.

So I looked and the vet is closed tomorrow :( Hopefully I can make it on wednesday but I finish work later now, if not my boyfriend works near them and can maybe get some thursday, will that be too late?
not sure if your usual vet would give the meds without a visit, but if you phone the one you took her to yesterday, they should be willing to let you come pick up metacam and a probiotic without having to bring your rabbit in again.
My boyfriend works next door to the vet so I'll get him to just mention it and see what they say.

But she is eating! She had a big feed of pellets this morning! We also put some of the smaller bits of hay in her bowl and she appears to be eating them as well!! Do I keep giving her the oxbow? I will keep her on the anti biotics obviously

As a side note, whenever we let Bambi out he spends most of the time sitting by her cage, lying down next to her on either side of the bars and giving her little kisses:inlove:
Awww, that's so sweet :) Sometimes they can tell when the other bun isn't feeling well.

You only need to feed the critical care if you don't think she's eating enough on her own, then you could still supplement a little with it. The amount you would feed just depends on how much she is eating on her own. If she's eating her pellets pretty good and her veggies, then you are probably ok to stop the critical care food. You also probably don't need the metacam any more, but if the vet will let you, you may just want to pick some up just to have on hand for emergencies. You'll still need the probiotics since she is on antibiotics right now. That's so great that she's eating better. It sounds like she's on the mend. Is she pooping pretty good again, and do they look normal?
Yesterday she was pooping better, but I expected more poops in her tray today. Might just keep an eye on it. I might just give her a little bit of critical care with her anti biotics, considering she lost a bit of weight, I might have to feed her up a little.

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