No Vegetable Diet

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Dec 18, 2013
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My rabbit is almost 5 years old and has tolerated vegetables fairly well over the years until now. Recently we had to cut them out and have not been able to successfully reintroduce even very small amounts to his diet. The problem is that his cecotropes have been very soft and getting all over him.

Does anyone have a hay and pellet only diet for their rabbits? Will he get all the nutrition he needs? He's on 1/8 cup of Oxbow pellets per day and he's 2300 grams. He needs to lose some weight according to the vet and she wants us to cut the pellets down in addition to eliminating the veggies.

Are there any vegetables that are known to be more tolerable in situations like this? He's only ever had spring mix or small pieces of carrots. It would be great to find some type of treat because he has been unhappy since going on his new diet.

Thanks for your help!
What about things with fibre like kale, bok choy and broccoli (mostly leaves with some florets)? Those can make bunny gassy In larger amounts but are good treats. I also give parsley, cilantro, I grow wheat grass for my rabbits which I read is good for digestion. I give chard, carrot tops when available, and romaine lettuce (although I'd avoid that for your bun).
What about things with fibre like kale, bok choy and broccoli (mostly leaves with some florets)? Those can make bunny gassy In larger amounts but are good treats. I also give parsley, cilantro, I grow wheat grass for my rabbits which I read is good for digestion. I give chard, carrot tops when available, and romaine lettuce (although I'd avoid that for your bun).

Glad you mentioned the gassy effect of some of these. That's exactly what the lettuce was causing. I appreciate some of the tips. I guess I just need to pick one and try it. Believe it or not, just 4 small pieces of bagged romaine lettuce set him off again. Same for a very small piece of carrot a week later.

Funny you mentioned those Oxbow tablets. Not sure if it's a coincidence or not, but the week before the major flair up I started giving him those. I think trying them again will be my first attempt at a treat. I cannot imagine they will upset his stomach.

It's heart breaking to watch him walk around like he's hungry even though he's not. (It's been 60 days and he's exactly the same weight)

Maybe start with half an oxbow tablet then work up to a whole? I had a bunny with chronic GI stasis, she would get sick as often as every 3 days, and sometimes could go three weeks without an episode. She would get these very smelly cowpie poops after a bout of it. I took her to four different vets and we did every test within reason and no one could ever tell me what was wrong with her. I tried everything diet wise. I concluded she had an underdeveloped digestive tract. Eventually she succumbed to this. But! That's not what your story sounds like thank goodness. I would feed lots of great hay and use the pellets as a treat throughout the day and then through a process of elimination find out which if any veggies set him off. And good luck :)
As long as he's eating tons of hay I think they can live a long life. Much longer than pellet only.
Mine are on pellet and hay-only diets. No vegetables. They are all at perfect weights and zero digestive problems. If you have no luck finding something he can tolerate, he'll be totally fine without them.

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