No Binkies

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Apr 29, 2010
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Guelph, Ontario, Canada
I keep reading posts here about rabbits binkying and I've seen so many videos of them in action, so I whenever I think about my own rabbits, I can't help but worry. My rabbits never binky, never. I've heard somewhere that some rabbits just don't, but I doubt the chances are very high that I just happened to randomly get THREE rabbits that never do.

As far as I can remember, Toki did binky as a young bun when we put him outside, but he stopped after we owned him for about a year, and now I've had him for eight. Scotch would leap in the air a couple of times and sprint around when she was put in the yard for the first time too, but now she just walks around and explorers.

What do people here think? Are they not happy? I'd hate to think that, but if a binky is their expression of joy, maybe I'm just not taking care of them as well as I thought.
Not every bunny binkies....not to worry! I love the name Toki. My best friends sailboat is names Toki.
mine don't binky much either but i think its because of the hard wood floors, they don't like walking on it much either lol. but outside they do it more, or should i say willow will. walter is much too dignified i think...
[align=center]Silas doesn't really binky. He twitches his head sometimes in a half binky but I think he's too big for binkies ;)
Solara and Sabriel only binky if they're REALLY excited =) Some bunnies overly binky- some hardly or never do at all =)
Mine sprint and binky like crazy. They're so full of energy. They do side jumps and bang into things mid leap. If you tickle their butts they leap up into the air. It's ridiculous.

You may just have rabbits that are content with being content, and just not overly excited.
Mine sprint and binky like crazy. They're so full of energy. They do side jumps and bang into things mid leap. If you tickle their butts they leap up into the air. It's ridiculous.

You may just have rabbits that are content with being content, and just not overly excited.
Harley is the binky king.
Just saying his name a few times will get him to do it.

He loves it when I talk to him all excited, or cheering him.
Try that maybe?
I have one that likes to zoom around and binkey. One will do a back feet on the ground whole body shiver thing when she's happy. The third is more of a bunn loaf. All three live together in the same conditions.
butsy does lazy binkies . she will hop sideways, then think a bit .. and do it again, its really funny ! shes not sure if she wants to put the effort into it :p
It's all just the bunnies individual personality :)

Kokomo, Wallaby, Buttercup and Babbitty don't binky except for maybe the odd one, but all the others do it like crazy XD
Sammy binkies all over the place when she's out in the back yard, especially if she's playing with our puppies... Max just gets running really fast... he rarely ever binkies... he just loves to run. :)

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