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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2007
Reaction score
, Florida, USA
I've been building two vivariums (a terrarium plus animals) over the past few months in anticipation of adding Poison Dart Frogs to my menagerie. They aren't poisonous in captivity, but still have amazing colors. Well, a few weeks ago I picked up four baby frogs and they have settled in really nicely. I love having them to watch. It is so peaceful. They are a lot less work than a fish tank, but just as pretty to watch!

Here are some pictures:

Tommy Boy:




Spider Pig:




I'll get some pictures of their tanks up soon. Both tanks turned out really nice. The bigger tank has a waterfall off a cliff with a cave behind the waterfall. There are four orchids and a pitcher plant among several other tropical plants! The smaller tank turned out really nice too. I've had that one set up the longest and the plants are just loving it.
Ooooh look at the pretty colours! :pSeriously though, I think they are very cute! :DI''d love frog, my mother would never allow it though. ;)
Spider pig spider pig, does whatever a spider pig does, can he swing from a web? No he can't cause he's a pig :p

They are beautiful, I can see why you wanted them!
Thanks!! They are so much fun to watch. I was feeding them today and they were just going crazy hunting down their dinner. They are really growing fast. :D Dart frogs come in such amazing varieties. Some of the colors are metallic, and there is one frog that even looks like a burning ember of coal. Totally amazing!
Exactly!! Can you tell I had just seen the Simpson movie when I brough the frogs home :biggrin2:

tundrakatiebean wrote:
Spider pig spider pig, does whatever a spider pig does, can he swing from a web? No he can't cause he's a pig :p
Those are AWESOME!!!! What does it take to care for them? What are their requirements for the tank? I love them! I had firebellies years ago, miss having them!

i went through a stage a few months ago of wanting some poison dart frogs. however i decided i wanted something i could interact w/ and it was going to cost me a lot of money to set up the terrarium. But someday i will get some, i like to look at them too.

yours are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!

what is the upkeep like? i mean do you have to clean otu the cage? or how does that work haha

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