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Mar 1, 2010
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
Ok, I really dont know anything at all about rabbits or raising them. I have a ten week old bunny and have no idea on what I should and shouldnt do as far as feeding, handling and toys. I also have no clue when it comes to rabbit behavior. :)

I know my little bunny is craazzzyyyy though! I thought she would be nice and calm and snuggly but she is really hyper and playful. She is really tame and does really well with me picking her up and such. Are ten week old bunnies supposed to sleep alot? I mean, I guess most baby animals play and sleep alot. She plays for about 10 mins and then sleeps for about 20-30 and then repeats. Do I need to groom her alot? She is super fuzzy and I see her pulling tufts of hair off of her at times, especially from her feet. I see her roll alot too, is that just fun? How big do Lionhead rabbits get? lol - ok, I do have tons of questions here, I dont understand this critter at all yet! But she is terribly fun to watch. I think he name should of been "Firecracker" instead of "Whisper"!
There is actually a whole library on how to take care of rabbits here on RO. Just go to the main page and look down a bit, there's just about everything you could ever want to know about bunnies. :D

Congrats on your new bunny though! ;D
the roll sounds like a dead bunny flop, and i have found that some younger buns do that with sleep/play/sleep schedule.

the library section is very helpful. but if you have different questions, or can't find anything about a topic that your interested in, just ask. we can find it for your, or help with the answers!

lol! sorry, i meant to explain it, but guess i forgot

here is a youtube video i pulled up (i actually think it is from a forum member. . . little bay poo)

Haha - thanks! I went and looked it up online and in the library too. I guess that means that she is happy and content, which makes me really happy too. I think I would be scared if I was a little bun in a new place around new people. I think this bun must have an outgoing personality from what Ive been reading. Nothing scares her and she wants to explore everything. She has been spending the past 20 min exploring my room and running around in glee. She is doing a lot of binking(I thing thats what I saw its called online..)and right now she is burrowing into my dirty clothes pile - LOL.

Anyway, so when I pet her she flops, that is a good thing, right? It means she is relaxed with me being with her, right?
yup! she sounds very happy and content with life!

binkies are fun! one of my boys loves to binkie all over the house.

i refer to binkies as stuarts sometimes, cause they remind me of the madTV stuart thing where he goes "look what i can do" and does a funky jump


ahaha! That is exactly what she was doing! That clip was awesome. I swear she did that for over an hour, she finally just now flopped on the floor. She was so tired that she didn't even care when I picked her up to put her back in her cage. She remained "flopped" as I carried her and when I actually set her down in the cage. Now I am crossing my fingers that she made herself so tired that she will sleep through the night so I can sleep too!
a trick to noisy buns at night is to always have a fan on, the white noise helps me sleep through chaucer's nighttime toy antics.
Good idea Katt, I will try that. :) I have also learned with my bun that if I give her time everyday to play outside of her cage that she is waaaaayyyyy more quiet when she is in her cage. :D

I am going to have to figure out a way to bun-proof my room, my computer is in here which means tons of wires to chew on plus she likes to go under my bed and there are some wires under there too.

She really enjoys her outside time. She now waits by the cage door when I come into the room and wants out. I usually lay on the floor while she plays. She zooms around like a mad hare, sometimes running straight into things (lol) and sometimes coming up to me and touching noses or just lays down next to me until she gets her next bug up her butt and runs off again. haha - I'm really enjoying this. :)

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