new to forum and rabbits in california

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Dec 1, 2009
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Point Mugu, California, USA
Hello! from southern california here, oregon blood though :-D

ThoughI do not currently have a rabbit I am in the process of getting everything ready for one. I would like everyones input on what to get.I want to get the stuff before the rabbit so that everythings ready for her, I'm going to be looking for a mini rex or some sort of dwarf/mini, something that matures to 10 pounds or less.

I want to get good stuff, but I also dont want to go broke! Though I know agood cage is important, i have a backyard she can run around in and I dont want to spend a lot so that I have enough in case (god forbid) something happens and I have to take her to the vet!

I'd say, $40-50 is my limit on a cage, I am up for making my own cage(it would actually be real fun)but i would like something easy to makeand supplies that are easy to come by.

I know theres more to be said, but thats a good start :-D

I was looking at buying those cubes through here*1c5d4ae680ef71ad5226464abbac24e5because i thought i might need more than 16 panels, plus i was going to make an outdoor enclosure for her (i want to get a female obviously huh? :-D ) also, i am going to be getting her out every day in the back yard so i was really interested in this cage

I may go to the LA shelter to get one but i am concerned on how much they are going to charge me... not that i wouldnt pay millions for the perfect bunny!!!!! but still, im no millionaire!
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Your 1st link keeps bringing me back to this thread.

Even though your 2nd link is a nice looking cage I wonder if it will be big enough. I am sure u plan on having you new bun out a lot but it is so ice to give them ample room while they r in the cage also

The NIC panels are I think 14" squared and for a smaller bun like a Holland Lop for example I would make it 4 panels wide by 3 panels long, and you can build up also with them. Not everyone likes them kind, I have just found they r easy to make any kind of cage out of them and u can add on later as well. JMO
yes, the first link was just a place you can buy the panels for 1.29 each and the connectors for .20 each. I found a set on craigslist for $10, when i get home im going to buy them (its the $20 set you were talking about you can get in Target, Kmart, Walmart ETC) then if i want more I'll pay the 20 for another set. I bough some things for the future bunny today. but with fleece inside. one really like this, you can have it just roll around in the cage, set it on its stand in the cage or hang it off the side of the cage, i can imagine keeping it interesting for the rabbit because you can change where it is week by week :-D

Yes i realize the new rabbit may not like some of these items but i know this wont be my only rabbit and some where down the road i will have one that likes it :-D
i like those litter pans, i may get some small grids like that and custom fit it to my litter pan so she doesnt throw litter everywhere like my hamsters liked to do. I'm not sure what kind of toys/chew toys to get, what do your bunnies like?
Well personally I am a cheapskate lol so I use paper towel roles..empty. empty rolled oats containers, apple branches, newspaper, brown paper bags and boxes. I know there r great sites to get cool toys tho. I just did a google search on Rabbit Toys and came up with this site. But there r so many out there
Hurray, another Californian! :biggrin2: Welcome to RO! Kudos for preparing and researching ahead of time.
Decided what breed I'd prefer, a dutch, i was holding a tortoise dutch at the pet store the other day and I fell in LOVE! cant get her yet though! I'm not sure wether to search at the humane society, rabbit rescue or a breeder???? any one know of good places around Ventura County?
I'm not familiar with Ventura County, is a wonderful place to find local rescues, shelters, and adoptable animals in your area. House rabbits are the third most frequently surrendered pet following dogs and cats in the US. I highly suggest against buying from a pet store and recommend getting your new companion rabbit through a rescue, shelter, or reputable breeder.

they dont have rabbits in stores down here anyhow, i was bummed last easter when i wanted to pet one! hah, any how. Theres the LA shelter and a bunny rescue near by. I've been looking on petfinder, but i need stop cause im not getting her until after christmas when my holiday traveling is relatively over. when the time comes im going to actually go in some where so that i dont get attached to one over the internet and then find that its been adopted!
Hi and welcome to RO!
I'm in college at Cornell in Ithaca, NY right now, but I volunteered with LA Animal Services for 2 years in high school. One of my rabbits, my dutch, actually, is from the Agoura Hills animal shelter (LA county)and my mix boy is from the East Valley Animal Shelter (LA city)
In my opinion, you're better off getting a shelter bun because the spay/neuter is included.
I think rabbits from LA city shelters are still $56 ($16 adoption fee and $40 spay/neuter fee)
You can search their adoptable pets here
go to services then "adopt a pet" then "others"
if you search under find a lost pet it'll show you ones that aren't available yet.
They do often mislabel the breeds though, so take a look for yourself
Here's a few dutches I found
black/white dutch
3 month old with dutch markings

They often try to bond rabbits in the shelter, as it makes the buns happier and conserves space, so do consider taking more than one!

Also, if you do go into the shelter, be aware that the employees aren't always very rabbit knowledgeable. I know our shelter had a few good rabbit volunteers and one or two employees that knew their stuff but the employees get transferred between shelters a lot.
If you have any questions about the adoption process, feel free to PM me.

Good luck!

yes, its nice when they come spayed, but I'm hoping to get a young rabbit, not just because they are DARLING! but so that its easier for her to get used to my dogs and cat. therefore i would have to wait until 6 mo to spay her anyhow. i know that older animals when they get stuck in their own ways it can be harder to get them used to other animals, plus younger animals tend to bond stronger to you. not saying that there arent older animals that bond well and get used to other animals, i just dont want to risk it and traumatize an older rabbit!
They do have a lot of litters born in the shelters too, so keep that in mind, like the 3 month old I posted above.
It's best to double check because they'll spay and neuter dogs/cats at 2 months and 2 lbs, but rabbits usually have to be a bit older than 2 months before they'll spay them.

Both of my buns were adopted and were full grown when we got them, though we don't know how old they are exactly. They got used to our dogs right away. For the most part I think it depends on the dogs/cats.
Here's a video of the typical rabbit-dog interaction in our house
yea when you get one that is too young to spay in the shelter you have to sign a paper saying you will by X age

im not concerned about the dogs, theyve met a rabbit before and they have a kitty :-D
LA city shelters won't let an animal leave unless it's spayed or neutered unless it's sick. In that case they'll defer the surgery, but you still have to take them to their vet.
Of course, the city of LA also has mandatory spay/neuter for all cats and dogs now.

Let me welcome you to Rabbits Online, my name is Dave and I am a moderator on the forum. So if I can be of any help please let me know. This is a terrific website for rabbits and their slaves, not only is it very active but also friendly. I am so glad you’re here and I know you will enjoy it.

I’ve listed some links I thought you might find interesting:

*For reference the Library section

*To brag or tell everyone about the antics of your bunny or just to talk about your day here is where to start a Bunny Blog, you can also look back at it later and remember when you had a life before your bunny.

*Now all the bunny’s like talk to each other when we mere slaves aren’t around in the Bunny Chat is the spot to be.

*Rabbits Online also has regional forums , this a good way to find a vet in your area that has experience with rabbits and to find out from other nearby of good sources of rabbit supplies.

The Let Your Hare Down section is for anything non-bunny related.

Now every forum has rules and ours can be found with this link Rabbits Online Forum Rules. This gives guidelines on what is acceptable, what is not and how we hope everyone will treat each other.

In your profile there is a place for location. There is no rule requiring you to list the city you live in, but if you can give a general region, country, state, what part of a state or country you live in is helpful. This will give others an idea and can offer more specific help if needed.

Everyone on this forum loves to see pictures of each other’s bunnies. So if you would like to post a picture this link will help you do that, How to put photo's in your posts.

This the best site on the web for bunnies and I look forward to hearing stories and looking at pictures of your rabbits.

jimboshippos wrote:
I would like everyones input on what to get.I want to get the stuff before the rabbit so that everythings ready for her, I'm going to be looking for a mini rex or some sort of dwarf/mini, something that matures to 10 pounds or less.

I'd say, $40-50 is my limit on a cage, I am up for making my own cage(it would actually be real fun)but i would like something easy to makeand supplies that are easy to come by.
Rabbits differ a lot within breeds, so rather than get hung up on one breed or another, I'd recommend that you check with a shelter or rabbit rescue and find an individual you connect with. That said, I love mini-rexes (and not just because Scone happens to be one) - every one I've known has been full of personality, and they have such soft fur...

On the cage, whatever you get make sure it's got a door that you can open so the bunny can jump in and out on its own. Scone's first cage had only a top door, so I had to lift him in and out for play time. One weekend I had him out for most of a day, and I caught him slinking out of the dining room with a really embarrassed look (while rabbit faces aren't as mobile as dogs' or cats', you'll learn your bunny's body language, and they communicate just as much as any dog or cat). He just couldn't hold it any longer, and had to go in a corner - and he really didn't want to. I immediately bought him a new, larger cage with a side door, and he's been nearly perfect with his litter habits ever since.

You'll find threads here discussing the pros and cons of water bowls vs. bottles. It's really up to the bunny, but Scone has always preferred a bowl. I got him one of the self-filling bowls (Le Bistro, but there are others), which have a large bottle which keeps a bowl full. The weight of the bottle is enough to keep him from tipping the bowl over, and he finds it much more comfortable to drink from a pool of water than to crane his neck to use a bottle with a pipe.

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