hi! i'm new. recently, I joined aguinea pig forum. It's so much fun and I've learned so muchfrom others that I thought Maybe I should try a rabbit forumtoo. i love animals in general, but rabbits and guinea pigsare my favorites. All of my rabbits, but one, are adoptedfrom people who did not know their specific breed, so I'm still tryingto figure it out . I have one male minilop,Molasses(Mo)-black with tan hairs mixed in, and 3 females :Marshmallow-large, whitew/pink eyes, looks like a New Zealand; GizmoGirl- medium dark greyw/ silvering around eyes and underbelly, lookslike a silver martin; Betty Boo Bunny-small, slim, amd dainty, jetblack-smooth hair. I've also got a fuzzy lop, who's recentlyadopted. It's white, w/brown spots and still skittish, soI've not yet checked for gender. Right now it goes by thename "Stuffins". They are all neighbors with several guinea pigs, ofcourse. Everyone lives inside where they get plenty of smooches all daylong.
waponswa and the pigloo nation