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Mar 31, 2008
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Hi everyone!!! Just joining, obviously.

I am by no means a bunny expert but have had the pleasure of sharing my life with three of them.

My first bunny (Snoopy) was a petsitting weekend that never ended. Which was actually great, he was supposed to be a mini lop but grew larger than my cat. Unforturnately, after treating him throughout his life for hair balls, the last one we were not able to get.

Honey Bunny, my baby boy was next. He was truly a mini lop and was the sweetest little guy. He passed away last year from skin cancer. Yes, skin cancer. My vet had never seen it before and even with surgery to remove the tumor, he was not able to fight it. I lost him in August of 2007.

Realizing quickly that life is just not the same without a bunny, I adopted my current companion from the local humane society. They told me she was super friendly and enjoyed walks on a harness. I still to this day do not know what bunny they were talking about, but that is not my Coco Bean. She is truly a moody girl and has made things interesting. I have finally gained her trust enough to pet her head. She was easy to litter train but the whole touching thing is a frightening experience for her but we are working through it.

Well know you know my story, hope to meet you all soon.


Yay you joined! (Everyone, Michele found our posts on Craigslist and joined zootoo to help the bunnies!).

Im so sorry to hear about your two bunnies, but Im glad you found another to love. You seem like a great rabbit mom :)

Im looking forward to seeing pics of your girl. And if you ever want a boyfriend for her I have several bachelors here I foster for Midwest :)

Welcome welcome welcome!!!!!!

Thank you for helping on Zootoo!!!!!! I can't wait to see pictures of coco bean chanel on here!!!! Stick around -- we help lots of bunnies in our commuity and we educate others about the care and love for bunnies that they require!!!! :)


Thank you so much for joining our zootoo mission and also for being such a good bunny mom.

I work for Midwest Rabbit Rescue and I can't tell you how much we appreciate everyone's efforts on behalf of our bunnies.

If you ever want to come over and see what we do, by all means, send me a note. Where are you located in Michigan?

Laura (lilbitsmom)
:welcome1:helloSo glad you found the forum and helped Midwest on zootoo. You will find lots of wonderful info on this forum and it's a fun place to share pictures and stories too!. Can't wait to see pics of your bun.
What a great welcome from everyone, this is great. I have learned by surfing the net and trial and error, why did I not find you sooner!

Looking forward to all I can learn!!!
Hi Boohberry!

I gave you a helpful point on Zootoo. :D

How old is Coco Bean?What does she dowhen you try to touch her? Can you hold her?
Coco is about 2 and holding her is out of the question, are you kidding me....If I try to touch her when she is free roaming she runs. If she is in her cage and I put my hand in very slow she will let me pet her head and ears and loves it. I have no idea what her previous owners did to her but something bad, that is for sure. I hate it too because I am used to having bunnies that are total lovers. I refuse to force myself on her either. She spends her days in her condo, her cage is about six feet long, carpet on one side and recycled paper on the other and at night she bolts out and hides under my recliner until bedtime. I have tried to stuff pillows etc under the recliner but she works herself up so much trying to get under there I gave up.

Any ideas? And yes you did give me advice by leading me here. :D
I'm from Michigan, too :)
Sounds like some longtime efforts might eventually make Coco come around and trust you a little more. Some bunnies are just like that- aloof yet comfortable in your presence, as long as you don't dare touch them :)
You could try bonding her with a more people-friendly male bunny, and perhaps she would learn from him.
Thats what I was thinking- a lot of times a more people friendly mate will encourage the other to be more friendly.

But it can also work the other way and they both ignore you. You have to be sure to look for a reaaally sweet boy if you ever decide to get her a friend.

Not so sure about another bunny, my cat loved the first one I had, tolerated my baby boy but truly despises Coco. Not sure if it is a female thing but the boys were her buddies and she is very jealous of Coco. I was sort of hoping to work with Coco to get her more social. I am pretty patient and have the mind set that I adopted her for better or worse she is mine now. If I didn't need a place to sit, that recliner would be gone, lol. I am thinking about finding some sort of hutch that she could hide in when she is out of her cage but haven't found one that I feel is big enough for her to spread out in. I have searched the internet but nothing yet....

If only it were that easy. I have tried every rabbit treat I can find and every fruit and veggie too. I haven't found one thing she likes. I do believe she is just being a snot. Seriously though I have tried and thrown away literally every thing I can think of. So far she will nibble on a carrot, about once a week each a fruit yogurt treat and that is it. She just came out from under the chair to potty and ran right back, past me like I was invisible. Argggggh

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