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Aug 29, 2007
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio, USA

My name is Danielle, I am 18 and have just got my first bunny. I found your forum on

My bunny is about 1-2 months old. Her name is Trina. I am pretty sure she is a Rex but if anyone could verify it then i would appreciate it,

Background: I never wanted a pet bunny, but I was at my sisters and she has some bunnies that were given to her so she is trying to find homes for all of them(so if anyone is in the west cleveland ohio area let me know). Well I was helping her feed them and she wanted me to feed Trina because she was trying to bite/scratch anyone who came near her, well I opened the cage to feed her and she came right to me, I picked her up and now it is struggle to put her down because she always has to be by me. lol. So of course after realizing this bond I brought her home. Trying to litter train her and have her be a free roam bunny. I have had her for a day now and so far everything is good. She was actually in my yard today letting my dog chase her and chasing my dog,, Here are pictures..





Welcome to the forum!

Ah, how sweet, it sounds like she likes you alot. Yep, I was gonna say Mini Rex from that first pic, but the others, she does appear a bit bigger, so Rex it looks like, but I can't be certain from the pics since she's so young still. She's beautiful!

Lucky you:D. I'm glad you found the forum, this place is awesome, a great resource for new bunny owners. Have a look around, visit our Bunny 101 section, there is alot if info in there;).

Congratulations on your new bunny. Feel free to ask any questions too!
Welcome to the forum! I just joined myself a few days ago. What a precious bunny you have! She's only 1-2 months and she looks so much bigger than my boy..How much does she weigh??
that is just a guess based on how she feels, id def say between 2-4lbs though.. Won't know for sure until she has her first vet visit.
Welcome to RO! :D

Trina is just gorgeous :p She looks so soft.
And yes, she looks like a Rex to me, too. I kinda doubt a Mini Rex would get that big at only 1-2 months old.
Glad she and your dog are playing well together! :D

~Diana and Butter
Welcome to RO Danielle!! :wave:

Congrats on the new addition! She's beautiful, I love rexes. :D

Enjoy the forum, it's got loads of great information, and feel free to ask any questions, we'll be too pleased to answer.

~Michaela, Ebony, Pebble, Madison & Angel Bunny Berri~

You've definatly found the best bunny site on the web!

Your bun is sooo cute! I had a rex, their fur is the softest isn't it a bit like velvet!

Nice doggy too

Good luck and enjoy

sarah x
Welcome to RO and welcome to your new bunny. I am south of you in Medina County but used to live on the west side - first on a street off the shoreway between Clifton and Baltic and then in Lakewood. We moved to Medina County 18 years ago when I changed jobs.

This is definitely the place to learn all about rabbits.


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