New from Maryland!

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Jun 23, 2008
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Hello everyone! New here but not to bunnies. I had been looking forever for an english lop breeder close to me in MD, and the closest one was 3 hours away in PA. Finally after a few years of looking I found a new breeder an hour away and just got my new baby a few days ago. Im already in love with him and his big ears. Havent thought of a name yet. I look forward to getting to know everyone here!

Thanks!! :)

Turkeysgirl wrote:
Oh yay! Your buns are adorable btw!! What part of MD?

Aww, thanks. Be sure to post pictures of your bun!

I'm about 30 minutes north from D.C. and 20 minutes south of Baltimore/Towson.

I love english lops :hearts. I can't wait to see some pictures. That way we can help you with a name as well.

I'd love to get to know you and your new bunny better and hope to see you around!
:)Welcome to the forum! This is a great place to talk about, post pictures of your bunny all you want andbecause everyone enjoys hearing about each others bunnies.

I look forward to seeing pictures of you new bunny and stories of your adventures of being a bunny slave to an English lop.

So far thats one breed that hasn't made into my herd...yet.
Welcome to the forum Steph! And Yofi says hi too:


(And Anna too...she's the brown furball behind Yof)

As you can tell, I love E-lops too. :) And I had a ton of difficulty finding a breeder close to me too...this breed is so hard to find. So I can't wait to see pics of your baby!! I don't frequent the forum as often as I'd like, but will definitely check back to see your little one once you post pics. Oh, and hey...I used to know someone (well, *sort of* know someone) from Frederick. Knew him through another online forum years ago. I always thought it sounded like such a wonderful place to live... :)

Welcome to the forum, fellow E-lop fan...! :biggrin2:

***Edited to note: Anna's not an E-lop, but she's just as big of a sweetheart. And she's great at keeping Yofi in check when he gets too big for his britches :p

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