New Dwarf Rabbit owner

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Yea like since I'm inexperienced with rabbits I chose a 4month old. I would never get a baby or a senior till I'm used to them.

I love Rayu so much shes so cute and idk I love her a lot
I would prefer a 6month old rabbit thats been spayed/neutered. I love how gives you the history of the bunny. Shes so cute. I love her. So weird since I generally hate animals but I loved bunny and Rayu our undetermined bunny. Shes so cute and idk I love her
one quick question--if that is cat litter in the litter box, you need to get rid of it asap. I use kiln dried pine shavings, timothy hay and shredded newspaper. Everything I've read says that you should not use cat litter for rabbits.
Oh no its just bedding that we used for her entire cage. I know how clumping ones and dry ones can kill tyem
So for some reason whenever we put her in her cage she stomps her legs at us and she absolutely hates my roommate, however she is already using the litter boxes.

I do have a question both our first bunny and Rayu peed on the bed even though they wouldn't poop or pee anywhere else. Could it be that the blanket is red lol
Hmmm guess I'lljust have to keep her off of it. She won't poop on the bed though. Any idea about the thumping.

She does it all the time with my roommate but only once with me and then I pressed her down to let her know I'm in control and she hasn't again
Yea I figured that but when I take her out she's happy and just sits in my lap content.

Hmmm. She's 4months old is it to young to spay her? I've heard anywhere between 4-6mos and what about a general health check up
So my new rabbit is definitely a lot less social than our bunny.

She always thumps when put in her cage which is met with being pressed down to show her she isn't as cool as she thinks she is. She usually will only poop in her litter box however she somewhere in the depths of her rabbit brain thinks its wise to lay in her urine.

She also just generally is temperamental, moody and a diva. Shes 4 months so I'm hoping spaying her will make a difference but I couldn't remember if you could spay them before 6mos.

It might be because Bunny just died that we are having a hard time liking her and putting up with her mistakes because well shes just not Bunny. Hopefully she opens up and we learn to get used to her even if she'll never be Bunny.
Anyone have any tips on keeping her from eliminating both in her litter box and the bed of hay we have set up for her. It has her food bowl there as well and she still does it far more there than the litter box.

Our last one never would poop close to her food.
Hey suddenly over the past day or so Rayu's poop has started to look sort of moist. Almost like a tootsie roll she doesn't have anything on her bum and she seems fine I'm just wondering if it could be stress or something worse.
WhyMista wrote:
Hey suddenly over the past day or so Rayu's poop has started to look sort of moist. Almost like a tootsie roll she doesn't have anything on her bum and she seems fine I'm just wondering if it could be stress or something worse.

I would start a new thread in the imfirmary section.

and any other question you may have start a new thread for new question
WhyMista wrote:
Anyone have any tips on keeping her from eliminating both in her litter box and the bed of hay we have set up for her. It has her food bowl there as well and she still does it far more there than the litter box.

Our last one never would poop close to her food.

This would go into nutrition and behavor.

Thanks and sorry for putting this in the wrong section:(

I posted the one about her eliminating in the infirmary
WhyMista wrote:
Thanks and sorry for putting this in the wrong section:(

I posted the one about her eliminating in the infirmary

Your welcome not a bing deal but so people would answer your question.

People tend to see that a thread is answered then not come back to it. So just trying to help
Yea sorry about that.

So we got a new black dwarf to go along with Rayu. Not sure what to name him yet.

Luckily they both seem to like eachother. Not sure who is going to be more dominant but they are laying next to each other right now. I'll put up pics later. They both seem to like the timothy hay a lot more than alfalfa. I bought the timothy by accident but it worked out well.

Should they use separate litter boxes or not
Well they seem to like each other because they are lounging on each other in the cage and looking around.

The holland something or other (Rayu) is around 2mos older so she'll be spayed before our dwarf can mature.


The new addition to the family. No name yet since we can't have one named something cool like Rayu and some generic name for the other.

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