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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
Reaction score
, , USA
Hi, everyone. :)

It's been a while! I haven't posted here in ages.I'm a senior in college and this past semester was a particularly roughone. However, I've missed being a part of this forum andreading all of your wonderfully helpful and amusing posts.I'm back, and I hope to stick around for good this time!

Anyway, he's a really quick reintroduction. My name is Erinand I live in the suburbs outside of Philadelphia. I'm21-years old and a senior in college. I have two rabbits(Zeke is a neutered year-and-a-half old Mini Lop, and Misty is aseven-and-a-half-year old English Spot/Dwarf). I've hadrabbits since I was 13-years old (that was when Misty joined my family,and I also had Chloe, a Dwarf rabbit, who passed away when she wasfive-years old). Misty is technically my sister's rabbit, andZeke is mine. In the photo below, Misty is on the left, andZeke is on the right.


A few minutes ago I noticed something hard in Zeke's ear.Turns out that there's a small twig or who-knows-what stuck in hisleftear and a bit of dried blood. This must have happened inthe last 24 hours as I noticed nothing when I was stroking his earslast night. Zeke doesn't seem to be bothered by it in theleast, but I am! He was in an excellent mood tonight and wasracing around and doing tons of binkies. I'm glad that hedoesn't seem to be in pain but I'm taking him to the vet first thing inthe morning. I don't know how it could've happened in thefirst place. He lives in a large run in thebasement. Maybe it's a piece of hay. That's my bestguess. Poor baby. :(

Just had to vent as I'm a nervous bun mommy!

I'm glad to be back!


PS: Yes... it's 5AM... this is what happens to college students during winter break! :)
oh shame!!! i hope the appointment goes well!!

and :welcome2even though im new to this forum and never met you

Hi! Nice to meet you!

Misty was a beauty, I'm so sorry you lost her. It's nice to see a picture of the cutie, though!

And Zeke, what an adorable boy! :) He looks so fluffy and cute!

Keep us updated on his cute little ear, okay?



Oh, and...:welcome2 :hug:

maherwoman wrote:
Misty was a beauty, I'mso sorry you lost her. It's nice to see a picture of thecutie, though!

Oh, no, Misty is still alive! :) Sorry if Ididn't make that clear in my original post. When I was13-years old, my sister and I got Chloe and Misty. It wasChloe who died after five years. :( Misty is nearly8-years old and still alive and kickin,' thankfully!

Thank you everyone for your kind, welcoming words! Also,thank you for asking about Zeke. :) Zeke is backfrom the vet and, I'm happy to report, is in perfect health!There is nothing stuck in his ear anymore. The vet helpedremove part of the scab and believes that perhaps he scraped his ear onsome hay (that stuff is sharp!). Zeke also had his full,one-year checkup and also got his nails trimmed. The vet saidthat he's absolutely perfect from his coat, to his weight, to histeeth, etc. I'm so relieved! I was so worried abouthim.

He was also unusually well-behaved today. He sat still on thetable and stuck his paws out in front of him while beingexamined. He only flinched when the vet was feeling hisunderside and checking his teeth. He was a very good boy,though!

Oh my...I just re-read what you originally posted...I totally misread that, sorry! :blushan:

Well, your Misty sure is a beauty! :D

I'm very happy to read that your Zeke is okay...and more than okay, perfectly healthy!! Wonderful!! :D:D:D

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