New bunny want to make him happy

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Mar 19, 2012
Reaction score
New York, New York, USA
Hello everyone
We just got Jumper yesterday, rescued. He is so adorable and very impish.
I am living in New York City, with a back garden, Jumper will live inside most of the time as we have too many wild animals and it gets very cold here (I'm from Ireland so to me it's too cold for any living thing).
I haven't had rabbits since I was 7 years old, I just saw him and fell in love. I want to make him happy, what do rabbits like (treats, petting, snuggles - or left alone, toys etc). I am so excited, I can't wait to get home from work to see him. There is always someone at our home so he is never alone. We have a very timid cat, already they are friends. He does scratch us a lot and it hurts, but if we hold him close he settles down instantly. Thank you all, I'm so happy - rabbits always were my favorite pet I'm just very rusty.
Thank you - must see if I can put a photo of him up - he is very very naughty though, but in a bunny sort of way - he loves to sit and watch you come towards him then he hops under the chair or table where we can't get them, then he comes out and does the same thing over and over again...
changed his name to Hopper - my daughter named him Jumper but we all kept calling him Hopper by mistake, so Hopper it is. Hopper is having a ball terrorizing the cat - actually he just wants to play - today the cat rolled over on his back and touched Hopper with his paw ever so gently, after about 5 mins, cat came to me crying while rabbit was still jumping around him. Last update they were chasing each other around the house. Now I have to work out litter training - no idea, been online, don't really understand it all - cage is coming today, at night he will be put to bed in his cage (it's pretty big) is that okay or should he just have a bed. I don't want him wetting on the rug though when we are sleeping.
So, Hopper has the house smelling like a stable within 2 days, we can barely keep on top of it, we change his bedding morning and evening but still smells. Last night up til 1am washing floors and airing out the house. Anyone know of a really good rabbit friendly litter that will not have the house smelling so bad. I found that the bedding I used is mostly the cause, it has a very woody smell and I don't like it
Is hopper neutered? Unfixed bunnies make the house smell like a barn. As soon as they are fixed the smell goes away. I use horse stall bedding or wood stove pellets. They don't really have any smell to them and it works well at soaking up the pee so it doesn't smell.
Unfortunately you basically have to put up with it until then. I just had my new girl spayed on Monday and the stink is already gone. She lives in my office and I could smell her coming up the stairs even when I had just changed the litter box. It does just make everything smell like a barn no matter how clean it is.

Good luck making it through until his little bits drop. Until then, you can learn lots in our library section here :)
I just made an appointment with the vet, let's hope he is old enough to be spayed, my husband is bringing him tomorrow - gonna cost a fortune but we just won't eat for a month.....
MiniLopHop wrote:
Is hopper neutered? Unfixed bunnies make the house smell like a barn. As soon as they are fixed the smell goes away. I use horse stall bedding or wood stove pellets. They don't really have any smell to them and it works well at soaking up the pee so it doesn't smell.

Whoa, i had no idea! I've been cleaning their homes DAILY and the smell is still there!!!!!

Thank you for this! :)
I didn't know either, my bunnies in Ireland always lived outside, it's what we did 40 years ago - we didn't know any better, so I never noticed a smell. It is making me nauseous and it was so funny last night I'm scrubbing floors, washing curtains, shampooing the rug - in the middle of the night and I leave for work at 6am. He is off to vet tomorrow to see if he is old enough wish us luck...
^i'm going to look into finding a vet in our area that has experience... i really hope its not too costly. The searching i just did on the internet said we can expect to pay anywhere between $50-$300 ouch!

Best of luck to you :) !
I paid $175 for my boy and $300 for my girl this year. It is so much more invasive for the girls. For males as long as their parts have dropped then they are old enough. If you look there should be two bumps on his belly towards the neither region. They don't hang down behind the penis like they do in dogs and cats.
^oh he has balls alright LOL and they're not so small either! he's ready, now i just need to find a vet and get hubby to cough up some money LOL
thank you :)
I didn't think it was so expensive, I think he is about 7 weeks old, so maybe he is too young. Anyway he is going to vet tomorrow just for a check up. Neutering has to be done regardless - like I said to the vet, I need to get him done, but I'm not rich so go easy on me - he laughed.
we lost Hopper last night. He was a little lethargic around 6pm. I sat with him and gave him a little water with my finger tips thinking he was too warm, although the room he is in has a/c. He was jumping around as normal nibbling my toes and climbing all over my daughter, within an hour he was gone. We had a lovely funeral for him, all of us bawling our eyes out, including my 6'2" husband. I called my friend, who is also a vet, she said sometimes pets just die. We had him for just over a year and although we are devastated, I have to say we wouldn't have missed having him for the world. Maybe in a little while we will adopt another from the shelter.

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