Neutered bunny

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Mar 24, 2005
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Livermore, California, USA
A month ago I had a little boy bunny wander into my backyard. We decided to keep him, and had him neutered. It's been two weeks now since his surgery, and I keep trying to put him in with my other bunnies (all spayed and neutered). Each time I put him in with them, he is still trying to "do it", and is driving them all crazy. I have his cage next to the big bunny house so they can visit. How long does it take until he loses the urge to mate?

I think it took about a month for Zeke to stop humping Wildfire and Baxter every two seconds. He is now the receiver of most of the humping, probably pay back.

So, just be patient, the behavior will go away with time.

Are the other buns reacting aggressively or are they just getting annoyed and running away? If they aren't getting aggressive,then it may be okay to leave him in there for some longer periods of time to see if he's just getting excited about the initial exposure and if it goes away after 6-7 hours.

For our Bummer was closer to 3 months before he settled down. He started to calm down a little after 2 months but then we still had the odd spraying incident (it was usually directed at the girls), but 3 months before we really noticed a difference!:)
The others have not acted aggressivley--they are just running away. He chases them all around the bunny house. They are all about 4 times bigger than him!I'll try to leave him in a little longer and see if he will finally leave them alone.
When Bummy started to calm down he would be so good and then you'd hear thumping and look over and our 2 girls would just be sitting there with the most pathetic looks on their faces...and urine dripping off their whiskers! Bummer would be looking around all innocent...sort of looking for the horrible buny that would pee on his girls. It really was comical sometimes...maybe not for the girls mind you!;) The behaviors just happened less and less until one day we noticed it just wasn't there anymore. Unless of course you count the spring and fall! He still get surges in the spring and spraying...but he drives the girls nuts chasing them!
My bun was neutered as soon as his bits dropped at 12 weeks. I thought he would stop humping but, he is now almost 3years old and he still chases after Lacey and humps her - just not as often as before! Lacey doesn't like it but sometimes she gives as good as she gets :D

When he was fixed I was advised by the vet not to put him with any ladies for at least 4 to 6 weeks after the surgery as they can still produce. Perhaps you should keep him separated for a little while longer, maybe he will be more calm then.

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