Nethies by name mischief by nature

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2007
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Scotland, , United Kingdom
OK so i lost my blog with the changeover so i am starting again. I thought i would introduce you to all my buns first but as there are a few i will do a few posts over the next few days otherwise my first post will be about 3 pages long by itself lol

I also want to tribute my Rainbow bridge bunnies: Binky free, Dido, Snowie, Floyd, Ami, Molly. You were all individuals and i loved you very much.

So i will start with my blues as they are my favourite colour. Saffy is my oldest bunny and quite crabbit. When we first got her she was really scared and went solid every time you touched her. She is much better now and has a bit of a love affair with Dennis they live beside each other and she loves to groom him.

This is her favourite pose, she loves to sit like this in her hutch.


This is her posing for me she actually came up to the camera


And this is her and Dennis in the bunny corner


Now for Nibbler, He is due to get partnered with Boo so we are just waiting for him to heal from his neuter. To be hoest i think he is a frustrated lop !


and washing faces


and one of him that lets you see him a bit better


Ok so thats my 2 blues and a dennis preview lol, what colour next do you want opal, chinchilla, smoke, blacks or rew and her kits lol
Your bunnies make my heart melt.

I love the typical nethie features, shame mine don't have those :(

They are just such beautiful lovely buns :)
Just for you Jenson as i know they are your fave colour:D

This is Boo she is a smoke martin (like an otter marking white tummy, around nose bottom of tail and inside ears and under chin) She is a right puffball and does not like other does at all!!! she will be nibby's partner she does like him we checked!! but she lulls the boys into thinking they are the boss and once she has them in her grasp she bosses them!!! clever girl:D


i took this one today in her hutch she is really about half the size but she puffs herself up. Her face was never this dark but Floyd overgroomed her and made her bald and it grew in really dark!!


This is Alfie, he follows me everywhere and i am constantly tripping over him. he is so cute though he loves to give me kisses and groom my eyebrows for me:)


he always looks worried though i swear he wrinkles his forehead!


Now Evie she is relly shy and she is pregnant at the mo so i haven't got many pics of her she is lovely though and loves having her cheek stroked


And this bag of mischief is Billy, Squishy's son and Floyds grandson. Since the day this one opened his eyes he has been trouble, into everything! Exactly as they should be:D


This is him hiding,( he is a martin to by the way)


and this is him with his sister she is the oppisite of him really quiet, i didn't put her with the blues as she is sold and leaves in a few weeks.


One of Miffy's babies is a siamese smoke but i will post it with Miffy!!
Oh my gosh polly...Billy is the cutest thing I've ever seen! If you ever need to find him a new home he's very welcome to come here, hehe! :D Alfie is a handsome boy too.
So i thought i would post Miffy and her babies so you can all see how they have grown!!, the smoke is a girl and very like her mum and the black baby is the double of his dad Jack! I had them out in the garden this afternoon and Miffy was going mental doing laps she was loving it!!!

So this is the babies when they were a few days old


Then around 2 weeks


the smoke baby


the black baby


And this was taken on sunday with mummy miffy


And this is Miffy she is a lovely bun :)



WOW! your Miffy looks just like my Boofa in that first picture, and the last picture.

And the babies are beautiful :) Congratulations on adorable bunnies :)
Here are my black bunnies, Lucy is up first i have never put her on here she had a case of snuffles but has now recovered thanks to a certain someones help and the wonders of zithromax:DShe is a black otter


Here she is building a nest


And this is Squishy she was our first baby born and her parents are Boo nad Floyd.

She got named Squishy out of finding nemo as we didn't know her sex. we weren't very good at it anyway we thought she was a boy until she made a nest lol


she is just growing her mane back in at the mo but she is a lionhead


And last but never least Jack Black cheeky wee chappie



At the moment i have 14 adults and 2 5 week old babies, next week i get an extra 6 as i am bunnysitting so i want to post a couple of pics of my dwarf lops that my sister in law has. She took them when we started breeding the nethies. cause when she split with her husband she had to give her dog away, and we needed the space i would rather she had them than anyone else
thought i would finish putting on my buns tonight, so here is Dennis he has had a hard time when we got him he was quite sneezy so we took him straight to the vets but the vet said it was because he has such a flat face we weren't convinced but took him home and some days he was not to bad and others were terrible we tried him on antibiotics but nothing long term. One day when we went out to feed him he had blood in his snot so we took him straight to the vets. To cut a long story short he tried a few until someone on here helped me out and he has got almost 100% better.

He went through a stage of being really depressed but suddenly is much happier and lively. He loves to go into the kitchen and hide behind the bin and jump out at you when you go through and his favourite toy is a duck which he loves to hump a lot lol



This is Opi Dennis's son he is very cute and loves to do laps round his hutch!



Last but by no means least is Jin my newest bun, he is mad he had never had hay before so he thinks it is great and loves to chuck it about and wear it like a wig! very easily pleased he is a good show bunny but has a great personality too. After his first show we put him in the garden the next day and he has never had that either he was like what are you doing to me the next minute he was going nuts binkying everywhere now he loves me :)

Oh by the way in his first show (was on the sat the forum went off) he won 1st for his colour and 3rd overall in the nethies not bad for his and our first show. I was so nervous when they put him on the table but the judge kept going back to him he was so good.


This is him sitting up but he was not for staying still so he is a bit blurred!


And this is him posing like he does when he is being showed i think he looks cracking but i am his mum so i don't count lol


Yeah for a week i have my dwarf lops back and wanted to introduce them to you, they live with my sister in law now. its amazing how big and heavy they are compared to the nethies!!

They love to play in the kids paddling pool and Sheryl soon learned to only plant for the bunnies cause they eat everything in sight!!!

She was telling me that 2 new cats have moved into the neighbourhood but soon learned Newbie was having none of them in his territory so they leave them alone i have to say he is a big boy!!!!


He is so fluffy and cuddly!!



And this is Misty she is really dainty normally!!, when we got her spayed the vets couldn't wait to give her back as she was going mental so we got her back with one of those buckets for round her head and it made her ears flop forward she looked like little bow peep!!



All of your babies are so cute. I don't which are my favorite. I see they like the dried fruit tin;).

Oh my, those dwarfs are darling, and huge-gimme! Is that you in the pics with the whiteish one?
They are adorable, and HUGE!

And you don't look anywhere near as rough asI was expecting, lol. Mindyou, I guess a beauty therapist on an off day looks like a regular person on a good day, lol.
Thanks Trace you made me feel a bit better.

Yep angelsnuffy it is me, i wanted to try and show just how big he is for a dwarf lop lol but i had a heavy night last night i was at a wedding so am a bit hungover.

My buns love dried fruit and sweeties and veg and real fruit and anything else they can lay their paws on it was just as well it wasn't the biscuit tin lol or there would have been none left!! :D

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